Extended Data Fig. 1 ∣. C3-T+; Elf5+/− tumor cells show increased tumorigenesis in REAR mice.
a, mRNA expression of Elf5 in tumor cells from C3-T+; Elf5+/− (n = 10) and C3-T+; Elf5+/+ (n = 3) individual tumors. qPCR values were normalized to Gapdh. Experiments were performed thrice with qPCR in technical duplicate. b, H&E staining of tumors shows more mesenchymal cells in C3-T+; Elf5+/− tumors. Images are representative of two independent experiments. c, Quantification of mitotic index in tumor sections stained with H&E (right panel), n= 3, C3-T+; Elf5+/− and n=4, C3-T+; Elf5+/+ individual tumors were used. d, Schematic showing representation of experiment in REAR recipient mice. 225,000 cells/MFP of sorted tumor cells from C3-T+; Elf5+/+ and C3-T+; Elf5+/− tumors were injected into contralateral mammary fat pad of REAR mice REAR mice. C3-T+; Elf5+/− tumor cells formed e, tumors earlier, n=6 tumors/group f, g, with rapid growth and volume at sacrifice, n=5 tumors for C3-T+; Elf5+/− and n=4 tumors for C3-T+; Elf5+/+ group. Log-rank test was used for KM plots to calculate p-value, (C3-T+; Elf5+/+, n=6 tumors; C3-T+; Elf5+/−, n=6 tumors in (e). f, Two-way ANOVA test was used with Bonferroni post hoc test to calculate statistical significance. Data presented as mean ± SEM. h, i, Metastatic nodules visible in lungs of REAR mice injected with C3-T+; Elf5+/− tumor cells, n=6 mice/genotype, p=0.09. Experiment performed once. j, k, H&E images showed increased mesenchymal features and invasive structures in tumors formed from C3-T+; Elf5+/− tumor cells. Images are representative to two independent experiments. (a, c, i) Two-tailed student′s t test was used to calculate statistical significance. Data presented as mean ± SEM. Scale bars, (b) 40 μm, (h), 100 μm, (j) 60 μm, (k) 200 μm. **p < 0.01.