Exploration of the links between metabolic profiles and phenotypic parameters.
Spearman correlations (coefficients significantly different from 0 after BH correction) between the stable modulated metabolites/lipids by MetS and the 58 phenotypic quantitative variables. Green: positive correlations; Red: negative correlations.
a: Global view of the resulting network organized by methods: Pink: C18pos; Dark Blue: C18neg; Green: GCMS; Blue: HILICneg; Yellow: Lipidomics; Black: NMR. Dark Green: nutritional data; Orange: scores related to physical activity and health-related quality of life; Red: clinical data.
b: Detailed view showing individual correlation (variables re-organized by hierarchical clustering analysis). Metabolite_M1: detected in C18pos; Metabolite_M2: detected in C18neg; Metabolite_M3: HILICneg; Metabolite_M4: detected in LIPIDO; Metabolite_M5: detected in GCMS; Metabolite_M6 detected in NMR (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.).