Graphical summary of flow cytometry analysis of colonic LP (A) and IE (B) of N153s and WT mice at the age of 4.5-month-old mice. CD45+ cells presented as % out of live single cells. Graphical summary of LP (C) and IE (D) immune cell populations from 4.5-month-old N153s and WT littermate control mice presented as % out of CD45+ cells. Graphical summary of LP (E) and IE (F) TCRβ CD4, TCRβ CD8 and TCRδ T cells presented as % out of CD3+ cells. (G) CD326 positive IE cells presented as % out of live single cells. (Data are represented as mean ±SEM, for J-K n=3 from 3 independent experiments, for M-N, P n=3 from 2 independent experiments, for L, O n=1–4 from 5 independent experiments). LP (H) and IE (I) immune cell populations presented as % out of CD45+ cells from 1-month-old N153s and WT mice. (*P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001. Data are represented as mean ±SEM of n=2–3 from 5 independent experiments). Intestinal inflammation in N153s mice is dependent on TCRβ T-cells not on intestinal epithelial cells. (J) colon length colitis score, (K) stool appearance, (L) pathology score and (M) representative H&E images of colon sections of the indicated mice at 2.5 to 4.5-months of age. (*P<0.05, ***P<0.001. Data are represented as mean ±SEM of n=2–6 from 5 independent experiments). (N) Representative images of mature enteroids and (O) enteroid numbers cultured from N153s and WT intestinal epithelial stem cells for 5 days (Data are represented as mean ±SEM of n=5–6 from 2 independent experiments). (P) Percentage LDH release of single layer intestinal epithelial cells (5×10^4) treated with or without TNFα (50ng/ml) and CHX (10μg/ml) for 24 hours (***P<0.001. Data are represented as mean ±SEM of n=3 of 2 independent experiments).