Fig. 5.
Dates associated to sites considered for this study. Radiocarbon-based dates are represented as ±1σ (68.2% probability range) calibrated range with the symbol in the middle of the range. The calibration range was determined using the new 2020 Terrestrial calibration curve (39). Radiocarbon-based dates from marine shells have been calibrated with the 2020 Marine calibration curve (40). Triangles are charcoal, circles are shells, squares are OSL-based, diamonds are TL, and crosses are U series and amino acid racemization (AAR). Industries are color coded: blue is Mousterian/LMP, red is IUP, and green is EUP/Ahmarian. The total calibrated ranges are unmodeled and are represented by colored areas and include all the dates presented in the publication. The sites are separated by regions. The right-side plot does not include any radiocarbon dates. The radiocarbon calibrated range obtained for Boker Tachtit is represented as a square in the TL/U series/AAR/OSL dates. Note the different y-axis scales between the two plots. Data used in this figure are reported in SI Appendix, Table S3. For the Üçağizli and Ksar Akil sites, the references below refer to the list in the SI Appendix. For the data set of Radiocarbon Boker Tachtit, the samples from Level 4 are in pink. The Boker Tachtit OSL are separated according to the method: black, post–IR-IRSL; white, quartz; and gray, ISRL fading.