Fig. 2.
Coancestry matrix of admixture among 94 globally representative H. pylori genomes obtained in fineSTRUCTURE. The heat map corresponds to the number of motifs inferred to have been imported from a donor genome (column) to a recipient genome (row) by Chromopainter. The inferred tree was generated by Bayesian clustering in fineSTRUCTURE. Strain names are displayed on the top and left of the heat map and are color coded by subpopulation as in Fig. 1. Strains belonging to DAPC subpopulations hspSiberia1 and hspSiberia2 are labeled with a dashed curly bracket. Small black horizontal arrows indicate strains not clustering according to DAPC assignment. Potential sources for the genomic ancestry of Siberian strains are highlighted on the heat map in dashed boxes and color coded: gray, hpAsia2; red, hpNorthAsia; mustard green, hpEastAsia. The black dashed box shows the levels of ancestry shared among Siberian strains.