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. 2021 Jun 25;11(6):e047445. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-047445

Table 4.

Factors associated with immunisation status of children aged 12–23 months in Enugu state, Nigeria, July 2020

Sociodemographic characteristics Reference Adjusted OR 95% CI P value
Individual level factors
Mothers’ age
 <20 years 20–29 years 0.17 0.03 to 1.06 0.058
 ≥30 years 20–29 years 0.87 0.57 to 1.34 0.534
Marital status
 Single Married 5.74 1.45 to 22.76 0.013
 Divorced/widowed Married 1.35 0.60 to 3.07 0.468
Mothers’ educational status
 Primary education or lower Secondary education or higher 0.64 0.26 to 1.56 0.383
Mother’s working status
 Working mother Stay-at-home/housewife 1.08 0.63 to 1.85 0.327
Religion of family
 Islam/Muslim Christian 1.53 0.27 to 8.62 0.627
 African traditional Christian 2.21 0.44 to 11.13 0.335
Sex of the child
 Male Female 0.98 0.66 to 1.45 0.914
Child’s birth order
 Second/third child First child 1.52 0.78 to 2.98 0.220
 Fourth and later children First child 1.34 0.48 to 3.74 0.577
Maternal healthcare utilisation
Antenatal care (ANC)
 <4 ANC visits ≥4 ANC visits 1.52 0.71 to 3.22 0.472
Maternal tetanus toxoid
 <2 doses ≥2 doses 0.93 0.41 to 2.10 0.864
Use of skilled birth attendants
 No Yes 1.93 1.24 to 2.99 0.003
Postnatal care
 No Yes 6.53 4.17 to 10.22 <0.001
Knowledge of routine immunisation
Mothers’ knowledge of RI
 Poor Satisfactory 1.76 1.09 to 2.87 0.022
Community level factors
Area of residence
 Rural Urban 7.49 4.84 to 11.59 <0.001
Household monthly income
 <N80 000 (approx. US$200) ≥N80 000 (approx. US$200) 1.56 1.17 to 2.81 <0.001
Distance to nearest vaccination point
 ≥30 min walk <30 min walk 2.15 1.31 to 3.52 0.003

RI, routine immunisation.