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. 2021 May 28;162(8):bqab109. doi: 10.1210/endocr/bqab109

Table 1.

Summary of sex differences across various neuro-, immune-, and endocrine-based targets

Target Context Sex differences References
TRPV1 Lung infection Both sexes used; sex differences not assessed (151-156)
Allergic airway inflammation Sex used not stated (154)
Gut infection Not assessed; only males (22, 157)
Colitis Not assessed; only males (24-26)
TLR4 LPS activation No differences (30, 31, 158-160)
Inflammatory pain Cell-type differences: immune cell driven in males but not females (161, 162)
Macrophages Pain signaling Larger role in males (161, 162, 176, 177)
Inflammation Proinflammatory in males; anti-inflammatory in females and modulated by E2 (40, 49, 55, 136, 172-175)
Microglia Pain signaling Larger role in males (57-60, 67, 68, 178)
Inflammation More proliferative and proinflammatory in males; anti-inflammatory and greater phagocytosis in females (51, 66)
T cells Pain signaling Inconsistent across models: no differences, male biased, and female biased (54, 73-76)
Inflammation Females have stronger responses to infection and function is modulated by E2 (40, 43, 45, 71, 72)
Testosterone Analgesia Similar effects in both sexes (77-86)
E2 Pain signaling ERs are more abundant in trigeminal sensory neurons in females, and fluctuations in E2 may be responsible for migraine attacks (36, 87-94)
Inflammation Decreases in E2 following menopause, increases proinflammatory cytokines (91, 92)
Prolactin Pain signaling Female-biased roles, little to no effects in males (65, 95-101)
AMPK Inflammation Activation is anti-inflammatory in male macrophages (111, 112, 186)
Pain signaling Activation promotes pain relief in male but not female mice; reduces effects of transition from acute to chronic pain (116, 192-195)
LKB1 Pain signaling Increased female reproductive tract innervation in endometriosis (189)
Innervation Potentially responsive to variations in sex hormones in females (113-115)
LXR Inflammation Not assessed; only males (117, 123)
Pain signaling Not assessed; only males (119, 123)
PPARα Inflammation Protective/anti-inflammatory in males (183, 198)
Pain signaling Analgesic in males or no differences (183, 198, 202, 203)
PPARγ Inflammation Anti-inflammatory in macrophages, promoted by E2 (205-207)
Pain signaling Analgesic in females only (PNI) or both sexes (CIPN) (183, 201, 204)

Abbreviations: AMPK, adenosine 5′-monophosphate–activated protein kinase; CIPN, chemotherapy-induced neuropathy; E2, estradiol; ER, estrogen receptor; LKB1, liver kinase B1; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; LXR, liver X receptor; PNI, peripheral nerve injury; PPAR, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor; TLR4, toll-like receptor 4; TRPV1, TRP channel, vanilloid subtype.