Biological process enriched for T150 up-regulated VuPKs showing the interaction network (colored lines) of the associated elements (proteins). The colored dots (green, black, and red) in the protein Uniprot ID correspond to the fold-change log (log2FC) found in the present study and are according to the presented scale. The colors of the lines are associated with the colors of the central nodes that contain the abbreviation of the enriched biological process. Different colored lines connected to a given protein (colored dots—red, black, or green) indicate that this protein participates in different enriched processes. Central nodes with the border highlighted in black represent GO terms associated with the biotic stress response. T150, ‘RD150 vs. Cont.150’; GO terms enriched (AS, abscisic acid-activated signaling pathway; BS, brassinosteroid mediated signaling pathway; CA, cold acclimation; DR, defense response; DB, defense response to bacterium; DO, defense response to oomycetes; DBS, detection of brassinosteroid stimulus; IR, innate immune response; PA, positive regulation of abscisic acid-activated signaling pathway; RDB, regulation of defense response to bacterium; RC, response to cold; RO, response to osmotic stress; RS, response to salt stress; RD, root dehydration; Cont., control). Adapted from NeVOmics tool output.