Appendix Table 1.
State Medicaid eligibility limits for duals through SSI/209(b)/poverty pathways (% FPG).
State | Single | Couple | State | Single | Couple |
Alabama | 75% | 83% | Missouria | 87% | 87% |
Alaska | 75% | 83% | Montana | 75% | 83% |
Arizona | 100% | 100% | Nebraska | 100% | 100% |
Arkansas | 80% | 80% | Nevada | 75% | 83% |
California | 100% | 100% | New Hampshire3 | 76% | 83% |
Colorado | 75% | 83% | New Jersey | 100% | 100% |
Connecticuta,b | 53% | 52% | New Mexico | 75% | 83% |
Delaware | 75% | 83% | New York | 84% | 91% |
DC | 100% | 100% | North Carolina | 100% | 100% |
Florida | 88% | 88% | North Dakotaa | 75% | 83% |
Georgia | 75% | 83% | Ohioa | 66% | 83% |
Hawaiia | 100% | 100% | Oklahomaa | 92% | 91% |
Idaho | 78% | 83% | Oregon | 75% | 83% |
Illinoisa | 100% | 100% | Pennsylvania | 100% | 100% |
Indianaa | 100% | 100% | Rhode Island | 100% | 100% |
Iowa | 75% | 83% | South Carolina | 100% | 100% |
Kansas | 75% | 83% | South Dakota | 75% | 83% |
Kentucky | 75% | 83% | Tennessee | 75% | 83% |
Louisiana | 75% | 83% | Texas | 75% | 83% |
Maine | 100% | 100% | Utah | 100% | 100% |
Maryland | 75% | 83% | Vermont | 75% | 83% |
Massachusetts | 100% | 100% | Virginiaa | 80% | 80% |
Michigan | 100% | 100% | Washington | 75% | 83% |
Minnesotaa | 100% | 100% | West Virginia | 75% | 83% |
Mississippi | 75% | 83% | Wisconsin | 83% | 93% |
Wyoming | 75% | 83% |
These eleven states are 209(b) states that may have more restrictive criteria than SSI.
Connecticut has different eligibility thresholds for the counties near New York City and the remainder of the state. The counties near New York City have higher eligibility thresholds. In this table, we present the more conservative thresholds used in the rest of the state.
Source: Watts, M.O., E. Cornachione, and M. Musumeci. 2016. “Medicaid Financial Eligibility for Older adults and People with Disabilities in 2015.” Kaiser Family Foundation. Appendix Table 2.
We computed the % FPG for singles and couples from the reported monthly income limit and the 2015 federal poverty guidelines. In 2015, the poverty guidelines correspond to $981 per month for a household of one and $1,328 per month for two-person households in the contiguous states and DC (Available at:; viewed March 15, 2018). In Alaska, Medicaid eligibility is governed by SSA guidelines for SSI eligibility, so 75% FPG corresponds to the poverty guidelines in the contiguous states. In Hawaii, a 209(b) state, the % FPG is computed based on the higher Hawaii poverty guidelines.