Figure S2.
Characterization of the in vitro and in vivo LV delivery models and Gpr3 OE primary adipocyte model, related to Figure 3
(A) gene expression from brown adipocytes following lentiviral (LV)-mediated overexpression of wildtype (WT) and DRY-mutant GPR3. The shaded region indicates the physiological range of maximal cold-induced Gpr3 expression in BAT.
(B–F) (B) Fluorescent visualization of BAT (BF=bright field), (C) physical activity, (D) food intake, (E) bodyweight, and (F) UCP1 staining in BAT from mice injected with LV particles carrying either Gfp or Gpr3.
(G) schematic of Gpr3 OE mice, in which the Gpr3 coding region is preceded by a synthetic CAG promoter and lox-STOP-lox cassette (TAM=tamoxifen).
(H) representative light microscopy images of primary brown and subcutaneous white adipocytes with and without TAM-induced Gpr3 expression.
For all panels, error bars represent ±SEM.