Table 1.
N = 14,798 | ||
n | % mean (SE) | |
Sexa | ||
Male | 7666 | 51.1 (0.005) |
Female | 7080 | 48.9 (0.005) |
Raceb | ||
White | 9373 | 69.2 (0.013) |
Black | 2271 | 15.6 (0.010) |
Other | 2291 | 15.2 (0.007) |
Hispanic ethnicityb | ||
Non-Hispanic | 9899 | 76.2 (0.013) |
Hispanic | 4374 | 23.8 (0.013) |
Age (Wave 4)c | ||
12 to 14 years | 7337 | 49.7 (0.004) |
15 to 17 years | 7461 | 50.2 (0.004) |
Household incomed | ||
$9,999 or lower | 1227 | 761 (0.005) |
$10,000 to $24,999 | 2262 | 14.2 (0.005) |
$25,000 to $49,999 | 3306 | 21.9 (0.005) |
$50,000 to $99,000 | 3665 | 26.8 (0.006) |
$100,000 or higher | 3580 | 29.3 (0.011) |
U.S. regione | ||
Northeast | 2050 | 16.4 (0.008) |
Midwest | 3246 | 21.3 (0.012) |
South | 5617 | 38.3 (0.015) |
West | 3885 | 23.8 (0.014) |
Lifetime asthma diagnosisf | ||
Parents indicated a diagnosis of asthma | 2651 | 17.6 (0.004) |
Past 30-day nicotine/tobacco/marijuana | ||
useg | ||
Past 30-day cigarette use (Wave 4) | 459 | 3.1 (0.002) |
Past 30-day e-cigarette use (Wave 4) | 336 | 4.2 (0.002) |
Past 30-day cannabis use (Wave 4) | 577 | 4.7 (0.002) |
Lifetime marijuana use (vaping)h | ||
Lifetime vaping cannabis (Wave 4) | 1283 | 8.9 (0.003) |
Analyses used Stata version 15.0 (StataCorp LLC, College Station, Texas, USA).
Notes: N = Wave 4 of the PATH; n = unweighted sample size; percentages and standard errors (SE) incorporate longitudinal survey weights, stratum, and primary sampling unit.
Abbreviations: PATH, Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study; SE, standard error.
Sex was a derived variable from the interview and included “Male” or “Female” (i.e., PATH Study constructed the variable.)
Race/ethnicity was a derived variable from the interview and included “White alone”, “Black alone”, or “Other”. Hispanic was derived from the interview and included either “Hispanic” or “Not Hispanic”.
Age of respondent was a derived variable from the interview and included either “12 to 14 years old” or “15 to 17 years old”. No respondent “aged-out” of sample. At Wave 4, all respondents were ≤ 17 years.
Household income was a derived variable from the interview and included five categories: “less than $10,000”, “$10,000 to $24,999”, “$25,000 to $49,999”, “$50,000 to $99,999”, and “$100,000 or more”. The income listed at Wave 4 was used for the analysis.
Region was a derived variable from the interview.
Lifetime asthma diagnosis was derived from parents’ responses in Waves 1 through 4 to the following questions: “Child has ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that he/she has asthma” [Asked at Wave 1 and Wave 4] and “In the past 12 months, has {child’s first name} been told by a doctor, nurse or other health professional that {he/she} has asthma?” [Waves 1 through 4].
Past 30-day cigarette, e-cigarette, and cannabis use was determined by asking respondents the following questions at Wave 4 “In the past 30 days, on how many days did you smoke cigarettes?” and “In the past 30 days, on how many days did you use an e-cigarette?” Past 30-day cannabis use was determined by asking respondents the following question at Wave 4 “Have you used marijuana, hash, THC, grass, pot or weed in the past 30 days?” Past-30-day cigarette, e-cigarette, and marijuana use were all coded as binary variables.
Lifetime cannabis use (vaping) was assessed at Wave 4 by asking respondents the following: “Have you ever used marijuana, marijuana concentrates, marijuana waxes, THC, or hash oils in an e-cigarete or other electronic nicotine product such as an e-cigarette, vape, mod, personal vaporizer, e-hookah, or hookah pen?” The response options included “Yes” and “No”.