Table 1.
Resilience measures used by each study.
Measurement | Citations | Reliability | Convergent Validity | Scoring | Levels of resilience | Item example |
Wagnild and Young Resilience Scale (13-, 14- or 25-item version) | • Kunschitz et al.54 • H. Allabadi et al.49 • Hala Allabadi et al.51 • Chang et al.,47 • J.C. Liu et al.48 • Barreto et al.52 |
Cronbach’s α 0.8965 | r = 0.75 with CD-RISC65 | Sum of score on 25 items, 7-point Likert scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree) | 25-115 = low resilience 116-160 = moderate resilience 161-175 = high resilience |
“When I am in a difficult situation, I can usually find my way out of it” |
Sense of Coherence Scale | • Toukhsati et al.50 | Cronbach’s α 0.70-0.9266 | r = 0.714 with CD-RISC67 | Sum of score on 13 items, 7-point Likert scale | Score ranges between 13 and 91 points, no cut-offs provided | “When something unpleasant happened in the past your tendency was: (from ‘to eat yourself up about it’ to ‘to say, “ok that’s that, I have to live with it” and go on’)” |
Dispositional Resilience Scale | • van Montfort et al.46 • Thornton & Hallas45 |
Cronbach’s α 0.8268 | Convergent validity not tested with other resilience scales.68 | Sum of score on 15 items, 4-point Likert scale from 0 (not true at all) to 3 (completely true) | Score ranges from 0 to 60, no cut-offs provided | “How things go in my life depends on my own actions” |
Brief Resilience Scale | • Smith et al.53 | Cronbach’s α 0.91 | r = 0.59 with CD-RISC53 | Average of score on 5 items (3 items reverse-scored), 5-point Likert scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) | 1-2.99 = low resilience 3-4.3 = moderate resilience 4.31-6 = high resilience |
“I tend to bounce back quickly after hard times” |
Connor Davidson Resilience Scale | • Liu et al.69 • Edward et al.44 • Kumar, Awasthi, & Shankar63 |
Cronbach’s α 0.92 | r = 0.75 with WYRS65 | Sum of score on 25 items, 5-point Likert scale from 0 (not at all) to 4 (almost always) | 0-73 = Low resilience 74-91 = moderate resilience 91-100 = high resilience |
“I adapt when changes occur” |
Column labels for the table were chosen based on a previous systematic review on resilience measures.41 BDI=Beck Depression Inventory, CD-RISC=Connor Davidson Resilience Scale, CDS=Cardiac Depression Scale, DRS-15=Dispositional Resilience Scale, HADS-D=Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (Depression Subscale), PHQ-9=Patient Health Questionnaire