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. 2021 Jun 15;12:662785. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.662785


Spearman’s correlation coefficient analysis between germination ratio (%)/mycelium growth rate (μ/h) and the VOCs detected in the cell-free supernatants of D. hansenii strains.

Mold growth Mold species Volatile compounds R-value (spearman)ab Strength of association
Germination ratio C. inversicolor Acetic acid −0.795 Strong
C. inversicolor 3-methylbutanoic acid −0.851 Strong
C. inversicolor 2-pentanone −0.731 Strong
P. roqueforti Acetone −0.860 Strong
P. roqueforti 2-phenylethanol −0.753 Strong
Mycelium growth rate P. roqueforti 2-phenylethanol −0.881 Strong

aR = 0 none; −0.3 ≤ R ≤ −0.1 week; −0.6 ≤ R ≤ −0.4 moderate; −0.9 ≤ R ≤ −0.7 strong; −1 perfect. bThe association was considered significant (P < 0.05), P-values of all compounds mentioned above were below 0.05.