Multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis of BnPCS1 and PCS proteins from other plant species. (A) Alignment of BnPCS1 and its orthologous proteins from various plant species constructed using DNAMAN 8.0 software. The shaded regions indicate the conserved amino acid residues (those shown in black are fully conserved; the amino acids highlighted in pink and light green are similar). The region underlined in black is the phytochetatin domain, and the phytochelatin_C domain is underlined in red. The three active sites are indicated by black arrows. The C371C372QETC376VKC379 motif is enclosed in a black box. (B) Phylogenetic tree showing the evolutionary relationships between BnPCS1 and 18 other PCS proteins from various plant species constructed using the neighbor-joining (NJ) method in MEGA 5.0. The scale bar represents 0.05 amino acid substitutions per site. GenBank accession numbers of the proteins are as follows: AtPCS1 (AAD16046.1) and AtPCS2 (AAK94671.1) from Arabidopsis thaliana, BjPCS1 (CAC37692.1) from Brassica juncea, TjPCS1 (BAB93119.1) from Thlaspi japonicum, NcPCS1 (BAB93120.1) from Noccaea caerulescens, PbPCS1 (AEY68568.1) from Pyrus betulifolia, LjPCS1 (AAT80342.1) from Lotus japonicus, GmPCS1 (AAL78384.1) from Glycine max, LsPCS1 (AAU93349.1) from Lactuca sativa, SaPCS1 (ACU44656.1) from Sonchus arvensis, NtPCS1 (AAO74500.1) from Nicotiana tabacum, StPCS1 (CAD68110.1) from Solanum tuberosum, AsPCS1 (AAO13809.1) from Allium sativum, CdPCS1 (AAO13810.2) from Cynodon dactylon, TaPCS1 (AAD50592.1) from Triticum aestivum, OsPCS1 (AAO13349.2) from Oryza sativa, and PvPCS1 (AAT11885.1) and AyPCS1 (BAB64932.1) from the ferns Pteris vittata and Athyrium yokoscense, respectively.