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. 2021 Jun 9;107(2):173–180. doi: 10.1111/ejh.13665


Summary of VITT cases reported in literature

First Author Case no. Sex Age (y) Days after vaccination Site of thrombosis Platelet count (mm3) Thrombotic risk factors Anti‐PF4 ab testing b Treatment Outcome
Greinacher 34 1 Female 49 5 CVT, SVT, PE, AT 13 000 a Positive Heparin Died
2 Female 35 6 PE 107 000 Positive LMWH Alive
3 Female 48 9 CVT 60 000 Positive NA NA
4 Female 35 7 CVT 9000 Positive Heparin Died
5 Female 43 13 CVT, SVT, PE, DVT right intraventricular 23 000 FVL, ACL‐Ab Positive Heparin Alive
6 Female 22 7 CVT 75 000 NA NA Alive
7 Female 36 8 CVT 29 000 NA Heparin Alive
8 Female 46 8 CVT 16 000 Positive Died
9 Female 24 16 CVT 13 000 Positive Died
10 Male NA 11 CVT, SVT 8000 Positive Died
11 Male NA 12 NA NA NA Positive Died
Schultz 35 1 Female 37 8 CVT 22 000 Hormonal contraception Positive LMWH, PLTS Died
2 Female 42 10 CVT 14 000 Hormonal contraception Positive LMWH, PLTS, steroids, IVIG Died
3 Male 32 7 SVT 10 000 Positive LMWH, PLTS, steroids, IVIG Alive
4 Female 39 10 CVT 70 000 Positive LMWH, steroids, IVIG Alive
5 Female 54 7 CVT 19 000 Hormonal replacement tp Positive Heparin, PLTS, steroids, IVIG Died
Franchini 36 1 Male 50 7 CVT 15 000 MTHFR het Positive PLTS Died
Scully 37 1 Female 30 13 CVT, SVT, PE, II 27 000 c Positive NA Alive
2 Female 55 6 SVT, AT 11 000 Positive NA Died
3 Female 26 12 CVT 64 000 Positive NA Alive
4 Female 52 10 CVT, PE, II 31 000 Positive NA Died
5 Male 38 14 PE 16 000 Positive NA Died
6 Female 49 15 CVT 14 000 Positive NA Alive
7 Male 25 9 CVT 19 000 Positive NA Died
8 Male 32 19 CVT 87 000 Positive NA Alive
9 Female 35 9 CVT 65 000 Positive NA Alive
10 Male 77 8 PE NA Positive NA Alive
11 Male 66 12 DVT 34 000 ± d NA Alive
12 Male 34 14 CVT 23 000 Positive NA Alive
13 Male 54 10 SVT, MI 71 000 Positive NA Died
14 Female 71 14 No thrombosis 17 000 Positive NA Alive
15 Female 22 10 CVT 100 000 Positive NA Died
16 Female 39 10 MCAI 57 000 Positive NA Alive
17 Female 70 17 DVT, PE 28 000 Positive NA Alive
18 Male 21 10 MCAI 113 000 Positive NA Alive
19 Female 46 14 CVT 7000 Positive NA Alive
20 Female 32 12 CVT 98 000 Positive NA Died
21 Male 48 14 CVT 16 000 Positive NA Alive
22 Female 49 24 PE 61 000 Positive NA Alive
23 Female 46 10 CVT 36 000 Negative NA Alive

Abbreviations: ab, antibody; ACL‐Ab, anticardiolipin antibodies; AT, aortic thrombosis; CVT, cerebral vein thrombosis; DVT, deep vein thrombosis; FVL, factor V Leiden; II, intestinal infarct; IVIG, intravenous immunoglobulin; LMWH, low molecular weight heparin; MCAI, middle cerebral artery infarct; MI, myocardial infarction; MTHFR het, heterozygosity for methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase C677T polymorphism; NA, data not available; PE, pulmonary embolism; PLTS, platelet concentrates; SVT, splanchnic vein thrombosis; tp, therapy.


Three out of the nine women were under hormonal contraception.


Testing for anti‐PF4 antibodies performed by means of enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).


One out of the 14 women were under oral contraceptive pill. Tests for thrombophilia were negative. A test for lupus anticoagulant was positive in 5 of the 10 patients for whom results were available.


Equivocal result.