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. 2021 May 20;30(1):e148–e160. doi: 10.1111/hsc.13422


Meaning units, codes and frequencies, and subthemes and themes from the content analysis of answers to the open question

Theme Subtheme Code (number of reports) Examples
Inadequate working conditions and lack of resources Lack of resources to deal with the virus Lack of tests (28)

“We work blindly, not knowing whether we are sentencing our residents to death through lack of resources and materials”

“We have not been given enough protective equipment”

“We work without protection; only with will”

Lack of PPE (65)
Lack of staff (19)
Lack of support Lack of institutional support (25)

“In this work we are totally abandoned, without protective equipment or anyone who controls what is going on”

“I have felt supported by my coworkers, but not by the manager or by the political institutions”

“I feel that the work we do in the residences is not valued, since the news only shows the negative side—the numbers of dead and the residences that are overwhelmed”

Lack of recognition (17)
Inadequate organisational management of COVID−19 crisis Inadequate organisation (21)

“We suffer from] scarce materials and we have not been instructed how to use EPP correctly; therefore, we are forced to improvise”

“The mismanagement of prevention and organisation (testing prior to entry of new personnel or personnel who have had contact with COVID−19, is becoming a serious problem”

Insufficient information and/or training (10)
Failure of prevention (14)
Lack of action protocols (9)
Excessive job demands Work overload (14)

“Double shifts and work outside normal hours, because you never finish and are not even rewarded with a thank you”

“There is a lack of empathy from family members in general”

Increased working hours (4)
Difficulties with residents’ families (4)
Previous working conditions Lack of adequate staff (6)

“Since it is a job that requires a lot of effort and dedication … the salary should be increased, especially in nursing homes, which do not pay more than 900 euros”

“COVID‐19 has been the trigger that has exposed the deficiencies of the system”

Low wage (6)
Job instability (4)
Coping with lack of resources Recycle PPE (9) “We have faced the virus with minimal resources, we have recycled the masks for up to six days because we do not have any more, we have protected ourselves with garbage bags against COVID patients with serious pathologies, cough, secretions …”
Making own PPE (5)
Asking for PPE donations (3)
Impact and consequences of COVID−19 crisis Negative physical and psychological consequences Staff infection (11)

“Although I feel satisfied with my profession, I also feel helpless for not being able to carry out my duties effectively due to lack of resources. The measures are applied too late and people die”

“It is heartbreaking, and I feel guilty for not being able to remain calm and do more to save the life of my patient and the peace of mind of her children and grandchildren”

“Anguish … seeing the neglect and total dehumanisation due to lack of hands … I couldn't stand it and I had to ask for unpaid leave, despite the dilemma that, as a nurse, that involved: abandon even more of those people or end up being more devastated than I already I was”

Fear of contagion (5)
Concerns about future consequences (4)
Concerns about care received by residents (21)
Suffering due to residents' deaths (11)
Depressive feelings (5)
Anxious feelings (5)
Ambivalent feelings (8)
Frustration/feelings of impotence (11)
Exhaustion (4)
Positive psychological consequences Gratitude (7) “The majority of the team has responded with humanity and professionalism, which I am proud of”
Professional fulfillment (2)
Sense of pride (3)