a,b, Using unpublished datasets, UMAPs of scRNA-seq data from dissociated (a) minor SGs and gingiva (b) delineate cell population contribution by sample and cell type annotation. We found 22 populations in the SG (7,141 cells) and 28 populations in the gingiva (6,683 cells). c–f, Distinct SG cell subpopulations were defined by a (c) dot plot expression matrix. Gene set (MSigDB) analysis for immune activation pathways (d) does not show clear enrichment, pointing to cells being in a resting/homeostatic state in the SGs. Gingival cell atlases were also defined by a dot plot expression matrix. f, Despite these biopsies coming from minorly inflamed gingival tissues (gingival index scoring an average of 1 out of 3), MSigDB analysis revealed minimal activation of T, natural killer and B cell populations. For gene lists related to a–d, see Supplementary Table 1. IFN, interferon; NK, natural killer; DC, dendritic cell.