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. 2021 Mar 31;26:20. doi: 10.4103/jrms.JRMS_236_20

Table 1.

Effects of Nigella sativa on cardiovascular, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis risk factors in experimental studies

Author (year) Country (reference number) n Type and dose of N.S administered Duration Outcome measures
Enayatfard et al. (2019)[35] Iran 21 hypertensive rats 200, 400, and 600 mg/kg N.S Once injection Dose-dependent reduction in systolic blood pressure, mean arterial pressure, and heart rate
El-Gindy et al. (2019)[36] Egypt 54 growing V-line unsexed rabbits 300 or 600 mg of N.S seed/kg 8 weeks Significantly improved body weight, ↑RBCs and WBCs ↑IgG and IgM immune responses, ↓ serum total lipids, TG, LDL, and MDA, and ↑HDL and total antioxidant capacity.
Ahmed and Hassanein (2013)[94] Egypt 45 Albino rats N.S oil (4 ml/kg) orally Once administration ↓heart rate, ST-segment change, pro-inflammatory cytokines, oxidative stress, and cardiac tissue damage
Randhawa (2013)[95] India 16 Wistar albino rats 0.2 ml/kg/day, intraperitoneally 6 weeks ↓blood pressure, oxidative injury, improved left ventricular function
Babaei Bonab and Tofighi (2019)[96] Iran 35 male Wistar rats with T2M 400mg/kg/day 8 weeks Improvement in lipid profile (LDL, HDL, TC, and TG), FBG, HbA1c, and insulin resistance
Ahmad and Alkreathy (2018)[97] Saudi Arabia 48 male Albino Wistar rats 2 ml/kg, p.o 7 days Improvement in lipid profile (TC, LDL, HDL, and TG)
Muneera et al. (2015)[98] Pakistan 30 Sprague Dawley rats 1000mg/kg/day 6 weeks Improvement in the lipid profile of rats
Al-Hader et al. (1993)[99] Jordan Diabetic rabbits 50 mg/kg volatile oil extract of N.S 2, 4, and 6 h Showed significant decreases in FBG levels
Meral et al. (2001)[44] Turkey 15 New Zealand male rabbits 20 ml/kg aqueous extract of N.S 2 months ↑GSH and ceruloplasmin concentrations
↓MDA and glucose levels
El-Dakhakhny et al. (2002)[54] Egypt Diabetic rats 0.4g/kg N.S oil 2, 4, and 6 weeks ↓blood glucose concentration
Kanter et al. (2003)[59] Turkey 46 male Wistar rats 0.2 ml/kg/day volatile oil of N.S 4 weeks ↓GSH, glucose level, and serum NO ↑Insulin level
Fararh et al. (2004)[74] Japan Male Syrian hamsters 400 mg/kg body weight/day of N.S oil 4 weeks ↓total glycated hemoglobin
Rchid et al. (2004)[61] - Rat pancreatic cells 0.01, 0.1, 1, and 5 mg/ml whole, basic, and acidic subfractions of N.S 30 min A significant stimulatory effect on insulin release has been observed
Mansi et al. (2005)[55] Jordan Diabetic rats 20 ml/kg/day aqueous extract of N.S 15 days ↑Insulin level and ↓Glucose level
Mansi (2006)[100] Jordan Diabetic rats 20 ml/kg aqueous extract of N.S 3 weeks ↑Insulin level
Kaleem et al. (2006)[101] India Wister rats 300 mg/kg/day ethanol extract of N.S 4 weeks ↑Catalase, SOD and insulin levels ↓Lipid peroxidation, GPX and glutathione ↓Body weight
Houcher et al. (2007)[56] Algeria Diabetic rats 810 mg/kg/day 2.5 ml/kg/day methanol extract of N.S and N.S oil 25 days ↓Glucose level
Kanter (2008)[58] Turkey diabetic rats N.S in a dose of 400 mg/kg body weight and TQ 50 mg/kg body weight once a day 12 weeks ↓Serum glucose
AL-Logmani (2009)[102] Saudi Arabia 40 diabetic male Wistar rats N.S oil 3 weeks ↓Blood glucose
Meddah et al. (2009)[59] Morocco Rat jejunum In vitro: 0.1 pg/ml to 100 ng/ml
In vivo: 2g/kg
6 weeks In vivo: glucose tolerance and body weight improvement
In vitro: inhibition of glucose absorption
Benhaddou-Andaloussi et al. (2010)[103] Morocco C2C12 skeletal muscle cells and 3T3-L1 adiposities Ethanol extract of N.S 18 h ↑Glucose uptake in skeletal cells and adiposities
Fararh et al. (2010)[53] Egypt Diabetic rats 50 mg/kg/day TQ 20 days ↓ Plasma glucose, TC, TG
↑ Insulin concentration
Abdelmeguid et al. (2010)[62] Egypt Diabetic rats 2 mL⁄kg, i.p., 5% N. S
Extract 0.2 mL⁄kg, i.p, N.S oil, or 3 mg⁄mL, i.p., TQ
30 days ↓ glucose and improve serum insulin levels
Salama (2011)[52] Saudi Arabia Diabetic rats 500 mg/kg N.S oil 4 weeks ↓Glucose concentration
↑insulin, c-peptide, and TAC
Al-Logmani and Zari (2011)[104] Saudi Arabia Diabetic Wistar rats Diet containing 5% N.S oil 7 weeks N. sativa oil decreased blood glucose levels
Alimohammadi et al. (2013)[105] Iran Diabetic rats 5, 10, and 20 mg/kg hydroalcoholic N.S extract 32 days 5 mg/kg: ↓FBS
↑Insulin secretion
Mohamed et al. (2015)[51] Saudi Arabia Nonalcoholic fatty liver in obese diabetic albino rats 100mg/kg aqueous extract of N.S seed 4 weeks ↓FBS
Asaduzzaman et al. (2015)[106] Bangladesh Diabetic rats 300 mg/kg body weight of ethanol extract of N.S 28 days ↓TG, TC, LDL, and FBG
Al-Trad et al. (2016)[107] Jordan Experimental diabetic rats 50 mg/kg TQ and 2 mL/kg N.S oil 10 weeks N.S oil or TQ significantly reduced blood glucose level compared with that in untreated diabetic rats
Umar et al. (2012)[75] India Three groups of six Wistar albino rats each with collagen-induced arthritis 5 mg/ kg TQ PO 21 days ↓ IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, IFN- γ, PGE2, articular elastase, myeloperoxidase, lipoxygenase, and NO
↑IL-10, SOD, GPX, and catalase
Vaillancourt et al. (2011)[76] Canada 24 female Lewis rats with lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced arthritis 5 mg/ kg TQ PO 7 days ↓ LPS-induced IL-1β, TNF-α, MMP-13, Cox-2, and PGE2
Tekeoglu et al. (2006)[108] Turkey Five groups of seven Wistar albino rats each with collagen-induced arthritis 2.5 mg/kg and 5 mg/kg TQ PO 7 days ↓ TNF-α and IL-1β
Mohamed et al. (2003)[109] Canada 24 mice with inducing inflammation 1 mg/kg TQ iv 5 days and 12 days Mice received TQ at day 12: Higher levels of GSH
Significant reduction of symptoms of inflammation
Faisal et al. (2015)[110] Pakistan 32 rats with collagen-induced arthritis 2mg/kg/day TQ by i.p injection 15 days ↓ in clinical score of inflammation and differentiation leucocyte counts
Zhong (2017) China 60 rabbit osteoarthritis model 1mg/kg/day TQ by intra-articular injection 9 weeks ↓ in MMP-13 mRNA and cartilage lesions
Chen et al. (2010)[111] China 20 rabbit osteoarthritis model 10 µmol/L TQ
intra-articular injection
4 weeks Inhibited NF-kB p65
↓ IL-1β
Suppressed the MMP-1, MMP-3, and MMP-13 gene expression

N.S=Nigella sativa; TQ=thymoquinone; i.p=intraperitoneal; RBC=Red blood cells; WBC=White blood cells; TG=Triglyceride; TC=Total cholesterol; LDL=Low-density lipoprotein; HDL=High-density lipoprotein; MDA=Malondialdehyde; IgG=Immunoglobulin G; IgM=Immunoglobulin M; FBG=Fasting blood glucose; HbA1C=Glycated hemoglobin; IL-1β=Interleukin-1 beta; IL-6=Interleukin-6; TNF-α=Tumor necrosis factor-alpha; IFN- γ=Interferon-gamma; PGE2=Prostaglandin E2; GSH=Glutathione; NO=Nitric oxide, GPX=Glutathione peroxidase; TAC=Total antioxidant capacity; IL-10=Interleukin-10; LPS=Lipopolysaccharide; MMP=Matrix metalloproteinase; Cox-2=Cyclooxygenase 2; NFkB= Nuclear factor-κB