Table 2.
Bayes factor analyses of predictors of 7th grade mathematics achievement
Model: Top Cognitive Predictors | BCm0 | Excluded | BCm1 |
MC1 DSB + Corsi + JLAP + MRT + IQ | 1.38 ×1027 | --- | 1 |
MC2 DSB + Corsi + JLAP + MRT | 1.28 × 1020 | IQ | .0000 |
MC3 DSB + Corsi + JLAP + IQ | 7.19 × 1025 | MRT | .0521 |
MC4 DSB + Corsi + MRT + IQ | 7.93 × 1026 | JLAP | .5743 |
MC5 DSB + JLAP + MRT + IQ | 4.90 × 1026 | Corsi | .3545 |
MC6 Corsi + JLAP + MRT + IQ | 6.34 × 1025 | DSB | .0459 |
Model: Top Non-Cognitive Predictors | BNCm0 | Excluded | BNCm1 |
MNC1 MEff + MAnxLearn + Atten | 1.22 × 1026 | --- | 1 |
MNC2 MEff + MAnxLearn | 2.28 ×109 | Atten | .0000 |
MNC3 MEff + Atten | 4.74 × 1024 | MAnxLrn | .0390 |
MNC4 MAnxLearn + Atten | 9.20 × 1024 | MEff | .0756 |
Model: Top Combined Predictors | BAm0 | Excluded | BAm1 |
MA1 MEff + Atten + DSB + Corsi + MRT + IQ | 5.21 × 1038 | --- | 1 |
MA2 MEff + Atten + DSB + Corsi + MRT | 1.07 ×1037 | IQ | .0205 |
MA3 MEff + Atten + DSB + Corsi + IQ | 1.08 ×1037 | MRT | .0207 |
MA4 MEff + Atten + DSB + MRT + IQ | 2.31 × 1038 | Corsi | .4440 |
MA5 MEff + Atten + Corsi + MRT + IQ | 3.30 × 1036 | DSB | .0063 |
MA6 MEff + DSB + Corsi + MRT + IQ | 1.34 × 1031 | Atten | .0000 |
MA7 Atten + DSB + Corsi + MRT + IQ | 5.78 ×1036 | MEff | .0111 |
Model: Top Combined and 6th-Grade Mathematics | BASm0 | Excluded | BASm1 |
MAS1 Atten + MRT + 6th-Grade Mathematics | 1.43 × 1062 | --- | 1 |
MAS2 Atten + MRT | 1.89 × 1028 | Math | .0000 |
MAS3 Atten + 6th-Grade Mathematics | 5.33 × 1060 | MRT | .0374 |
MAS4 MRT + 6th-Grade Mathematics | 5.26 × 1058 | Atten | .0004 |
Note. DSB = Digit Span Backward; Corsi = Corsi Block Tapping Task; JLAP = Judgment of Line Angle and Position Test; MRT = Mental Rotation Test; Meff = Mathematics Efficacy; MAnxLearn = Mathematics Anxiety for Learning; Atten = in-class attention in mathematics classrooms; MC = Models for cognitive variables; MNC = Models for non-cognitive variables; MA = Models for all, that is, top cognitive and non-cognitive variables; MAS = Top models from MA and 6th-grade mathematics scores.