Figure 6. . Whole blood & paired plasma sphingolipidome comparison showed higher abundance sphingolipids in whole blood.
(A) The heatmap showed the comparison of major sphingolipids including Cer, CerP, ganglioside, Hex1Cer, Hex2Cer, Hex3Cer, SM and SPHP between 50 μl WB and paired plasma from healthy donors. Hex2Cer, Hex3Cer and CerP were ND in some plasma samples (labeled in heatmap) and the ND was replaced by half of the values of paired whole blood samples. (B) The total concentration of respective sphingolipid class in WB and paired plasma. (C) The individual variations of sphingolipid levels in ten whole blood and ten plasma samples. (D) The individual variations of levels of ceramides, SPH and SPHP in ten whole blood and ten plasma samples.
Cer: Ceramides; CerP: Ceramide-1-phosphate; Hex: Hexosyl; ND: Not detected; SM: Sphingomyelin; SPH: Sphingosine; SPHP: Sphingosine phosphate; WB: Whole blood.