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. 2021 Apr 14;27(3):320–327. doi: 10.1097/MCC.0000000000000825

Table 3.

Commonly used neuromonitoring devices

Device Physiological parameter Global vs. focal physiology Interpretation/derived indices
Invasive neuromonitoring devices
 ICP monitor (Intraparenchymal/ventricular catheters) ICP Global Raised intracranial pressure reduces cerebral perfusionCPP, pressure-reactivity index, intracranial elastance
 Parenchymal (PbtO2) Brain tissue partialtension of oxygen Focal Oxygen diffusionBalance between oxygen supply and demand
 Jugular venous oximetry (SjvO2) Oxygen saturation of jugular haemoglobin Global Global cerebral oxygenation and extractionCerebral arterojugular difference in oxygen content
 Cerebral microdialysis Cerebral metabolism and biomarkers Focal Aerobic or anaerobic metabolism, brain injury severity and inflammation
 Temperature monitoring (Intraparenchymal probe) Brain temperature Focal Gradient between core and brain temperature
 Intraparenchymal thermal diffusion flowmetry Cerebral blood flow Focal Hypoperfusion or hyperperfusion
Noninvasive neuromonitoring devices
 Electroencephalography Cortical electrical activity Global Seizure activity, abnormal patterns
 Optic nerve sheath ultrasonography Optic nerve-sheathdiameter Global Elevated value is an indirect marker of raised ICP
 Quantitative pupillometry ICP Global Low NPi is associated with sustained elevations of ICP
 Transcranial Doppler Cerebral blood velocity Focal Indicative of regional cerebral ischemiaCritical closing pressure, cerebral arterial impedance
 Near-infrared spectroscopy Cerebrovascular oxygen saturation Focal Cerebral blood flow, cerebral autoregulation

Adapted from Stochetti et al.[12].