Figure 6.
No changes in the fecal microbiota were associated with fenofibrate treatment in diabetic dogs. (a) Frequencies of amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) in fecal samples collected pre- and post-fenofibrate treatment. (b) Evaluation of alpha diversity using Observed, Chao1, ACE, Shannon, and Simpson indices. (c) Bar chart showing relative abundance of bacterial phyla among samples collected before and after fenofibrate administration in each of 7 dogs (A-G) with experimentally-induced DM. (d) Weighted UniFrac PCoA analysis of microbiota composition in identical animals pre- and post-fenofibrate treatment. Circles represent regions of 95% confidence. (e) Volcano plot representing differentially abundant bacterial phyla where P < 0.05. Numbers of differentially abundant bacterial (f) phyla, (g) class, (h) order, and (i) family between pre- and post-fenofibrate samples DESeq2 with phyloseq and omu on R software.