Domains of HBoV1 NS proteins. HBoV1 NS1 (GenBank: AFR53039) and AAV5 Rep78 (GenBank: AAD13755) are aligned. N-terminal origin DNA binding domain (OBD; in red) and helicase domain (in purple) are diagramed. The regions positioned between the OBD and helicase domains (shown in green) are predicted to be the oligomerization signal. The C-terminal region (shown in yellow) is predicted to serve potentially transcriptional activation function. Dashed lines in the OBD indicate residues that are structured as endonuclease core/DNA binding loop (Tewary et al., 2013), and dashed rectangles in the helicase domain indicate Walker boxes (Koonin, 1993). Oligo. indicates a putative oligomerization signal. NS2, NS3, NS4, and NS1-70 proteins are diagramed in colored blocks with thin lines indicating excised aa sequences due to ligation of the neighboring exons of their mRNAs.