Staff COVID‐19 Cases Incidence Rate Ratio from the Zero Inflated Negative Binomial Model. The incident rate ratio (IRR) with 95 confidence intervals in green depicts IRR that is less than 1.0 indicating an association with having fewer resident COVID‐19 cases or deaths and IRRs in red indicate where 95% CI was greater than 1.0. Low resident minority and low Hispanic, non‐white census, medium RN staffing level, and medium bed size were the referent groups. When controlling for all these variables that might explain trends in resident cases of deaths, time from the clinic was associated with fewer staff cases and had a stronger association as more time elapsed from the first clinic. In addition, time in weeks was associated with more cases as was facilities with medium census of racial minorities compared with low census. However, facilities with higher Hispanic non‐white census were associated with fewer staff cases as were facilities with high nursing staffing levels