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. 2021 Jul 1;64(10):1238–1252. doi: 10.1111/myc.13334


Clinical characteristics, risk factors, treatment and outcome of reported COVID‐19‐associated mucormycosis

Author/year/References Country Age/gender Outcome Surgical intervention Antifungal treatment Clinical form of mucormycosis Interval between diagnosis of COVID‐19 and mucormycosis occurrence (days) Mucormycosis‐associated risk factor Local/systemic corticosteroid therapy O2 supplementation Underlying Conditions
Mehta S/2020 26 India M/60 Died Yes AMB ROCM 12 Uncontrolled diabetes, Steroid for COVID‐19 Yes‐ IV methylprednisolone and dexamethasone NIV, MV Diabetes
Sen et al./2021 27 India M/46 Survived Yes AMB, VRZ, PSZ ROCM 0 Uncontrolled diabetes, Steroid for COVID‐19 No NA Diabetes
M/61 Survived Yes AMB, PSZ ROM 17 Uncontrolled diabetes, Steroid for COVID‐19 Yes‐ IV methylprednisolone, oral prednisolone NA Diabetes, HTN
M/74* Survived Yes AMB, PSZ ROCM 30 Diabetes, Steroid for COVID‐19 Yes‐ IV dexamethasone, oral prednisolone NA Diabetes, HTN, CAD
M/73 Survived Yes AMB, PSZ ROCM 14 Uncontrolled diabetes, Steroid for COVID‐19 Yes‐ oral prednisolone NA Diabetes
M/62 Survived Yes AMB, PSZ ROCM 42 Uncontrolled diabetes, Steroid for COVID‐19 Yes‐ IV dexamethasone NA Diabetes, HTN
M/62 Survived Yes AMB ROCM 3 Uncontrolled diabetes, Steroid for COVID‐19 Yes‐ IV dexamethasone NA Diabetes, CAD
Sarkar et al./2021 28 India 10 cases**/M (n = 8), F (n = 2)/45.5 Survived (n = 6), Died (n = 4) Yes (n = 7) AMB (n = 10) ROM (n = 9), ROCM (n = 1) NA Diabetes (n = 1), DKA (n = 9), steroid for COVID‐19 (n = 10) Yes‐ IV dexamethasone (n = 10) MV (n = 9)

Diabetes (n = 10)

Moorthy et al./2021 29 India 17 cases/M (n = 15), F (n = 2)/55 Survived (n = 11) Yes AMB SM (n = 3), ROM (n = 6), ROCM (n = 5), RCM (n = 3) NA Uncontrolled diabetes (n = 15) Yes (n = 15) NA Diabetes (n = 15)
Died (n = 6)
Karimi Galougahi et al./2021 30 Iran F/61 Survived Yes Systemic antifungals ROM 21 Glucocorticoid‐induced diabetes, Steroid for COVID‐19 Yes NA No
Veisi et al./2021 31 Iran F/40 Died Yes AMB ROCM 15 Steroid for COVID‐19 Yes‐ IV dexamethasone NA No
M/54 Survived Yes AMB, PSZ ROM 7 Diabetes, Steroid for COVID‐19 Yes‐ IV dexamethasone NIV Diabetes
Werthman/2020 32 USA F/33 Died Yes AMB ROCM 2 DKA No NA Diabetes, Asthma, HTN
Mekonnen/2020 33 USA M/60 Died Yes AMB, CSP, PSZ ROM 7 Uncontrolled diabetes, Steroid for COVID‐19 Yes‐ IV dexamethasone MV Diabetes, Asthma, HTN, Hyperlipidaemia
Dallalzadeh et al./2021 34 USA M/48 Died No AMB/ISZ ROM 6 Diabetes, Steroid for COVID‐19 Yes‐IV dexamethasone MV Diabetes
Hanley/2020 35 UK M/22 Died No No Disseminated (involving the hilar lymph nodes, heart, brain, and kidney)/ NA Steroid for COVID‐19 Yes MV Pancreatitis
Waizel‐Haiat et al./2021 36 Mexico F/24 Died No AMB ROM 1 DKA NA MV Obesity, Diabetes

Abbreviations: AMB, amphotericin B; CAD, coronary artery disease; CSP, caspofungin; DKA, diabetes ketoacidosis; F, female; HTN, hypertension; ISZ, isavuconazole; ISZ, isavuconazole; IV, intravenous; M, male; NA, not applicable (not mentioned in the article); NIV, non‐invasive ventilation; PSZ, posaconazole; RCM, rhino‐cerebral mucormycosis; ROCM, rhino‐orbito‐cerebral mucormycosis; ROM, rhino‐orbital mucormycosis; SM, sinonasal mucormycosis; VRZ, voriconazole.


As per the EORTC‐MSG criteria, the case was categorised as possible mucormycosis.


As per the EORTC‐MSG criteria, three patients were defined to have possible mucormycosis.