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. 2021 Jul 4;41(10):2404–2417. doi: 10.1111/liv.14971



Representative findings in liver biopsies from patients who developed SC‐CIP (A)‐(D) and in autopsy livers (E)‐(F). (A) Portal tract with oedema, mixed portal inflammation and severe bile duct damage with ductular reaction (H&E; scale bar 100 μm; insert: CK7‐immunohistochemistry; scale bar 100 μm). (B) Ductular (black arrowhead) and canalicular (white arrowheads) cholestasis (H&E; scale bar 50 μm). (C) Lobular bile infarcts and hepatocellular cholestasis (H&E; scale bar 50 μm). (D) Pericellular fibrosis around portal tracts (black arrowheads) and central vein (white arrowhead) (Sirius red; scale bar 200 μm). (E) Transmural necrosis of perihilar bile ducts in patients with preterminally high bilirubin levels (H&E; scale bar 500 μm; insert scale bar 100 μm). (F) Perihilar bile ducts with damage and detachment of the epithelium but viable walls in patients with mild cholestasis (H&E; scale bar 500 μm; insert scale bar 100 μm). In (E) and (F) viable blood vessel walls, viable peripheral nerves and viable hepatocytes are visible