(a) Timeline of the samplings conducted in cats, for the laboratory investigation of SARS‐CoV‐2 infection status. Detailed sampling time‐points are presented for C2 (top row) and C3 (bottom row). Sampling time‐points for C1 were as same to those for C2, except for the fact that faecal swabs were not obtained on D9 and D11. Vertical arrows indicate oropharyngeal swab (blue), faecal swab (red), and serum sampling (green) time‐points. Horizontal bars of the same colours indicate time‐periods with real‐time RT‐PCR‐positive or ELISA‐positive results. The real‐time RT‐PCR‐positive RNA extracts that were subjected to next‐generation sequencing are marked with an asterisk on the left of the respective arrow. The numbering of the sampling time‐points refers to D0, that is, Nov. 12th, the date of onset of the owner's clinical signs. (b) SARS‐CoV‐2 titres in the real‐time RT‐PCR‐positive oropharyngeal (blue) and faecal (red) swabs of C2 and C3, expressed as Log10 viral RNA copies/swab. The dashed lines indicate the limit of detection