Successive shifts of gene expression that are associated with differential postharvest outcomes are apparent in csGNC modules from IAD class C. DEGs in (A) cortex module 4, (B) cortex module 5, (C) cortex module 6, (D) peel module 19, (E) peel module 10, 17, 18, and 21. Orange colors indicate higher relative expression, blue indicates lower relative expression. Plots show Z-score transformation of normalized (RPKM) counts and are independently scaled. All features are significantly differential (Bonferroni P < 0.05) at one or more timepoints between equivalent canopy positions and are part of the indicated co-expression module. Postharvest outcomes in our experiment indicate fruit within IAD class C from external canopy positions are more mature. csGCN modules therefore contain DEGs that are associated with these different postharvest fruit quality characteristics. In addition to offering clues about the genetic control of ripening, it also suggests the possibility to use gene-expression based biosignatures to predict future fruit quality, including the capacity to ripen. DEGs are listed in Supplementary File 3.