Fig. 3.
Inspiratory muscle function over time. A Maximum inspiratory airway pressure deflection ΔPawmax. B Median neuro-mechanical efficiency ratio NMEoccl. ΔPawmax denotes maximum inspiratory airway pressure deflection, NMEoccl median neuro-mechanical efficiency ratio, PICU pediatric intensive care unit (data points marked by empty circles for patients intubated for a lower airway or pulmonary indication and full circles for patients intubated for other indications), OR operating room (data points marked by triangles, group median by large triangle, and first–third quartiles by whiskers). Each color represents an individual patient. The fixed portion of the linear prediction of the mixed model is shown (solid black line) as well as the individual upper and lower 95% confidence intervals (dotted gray lines). *: patients who required non-invasive ventilation continuously for 72 h after extubation