Fig. 2.
Quantification of behaviourally induced cfos-eGFP protein expression fits well to derived equation. a Behavioural schematic used for inducing cfos expression. Transgenic mice are trained in context A then made to recall the training context (Context A) after 24 h. The resulting activation of IEGs is followed, through in-vivo imaging of the RSc in anesthetised mice. b Maximum intensity projection of a stack of images corresponding to 200 × 200 × 200 μm region obtained at different time points. The cfos-eGFP signal is localised to the nucleus and hence the activated neurons appear as quasi circular regions of bright pixels with a diameter of ~ 20-pixel units. Snapshots RSc area shown are that of time points 40, 57, 90,120 and 280 min. The scale bar in the image is 20 microns. c Three representative image ROIs centred around cell “#01”, “#03,” and “#04” in cfos-EGFP transgenic mice across different time points are shown as image matrix. d The quantitative measure of fluorescence and hence the cellular expression profile of four representative cells in b along with their fits to Eq. 1 are shown here. The open circles represent the amplitude of the cellular activity from a neuron at a given time. The red line is the fit of this data to Eq. 1. A good agreement of the fit to the observed data (Adj. R Sq > 0.92) indicates that our model is consistent with the observed cellular response. Blue dotted line extends the fits and spans the entire x-axis. See Table 1 for fit parameters