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. 2021 Jan 25;30(3):e13410. doi: 10.1111/ecc.13410


Characteristics of the participants

Pt Study Sex Age (yrs) Cancer type Education Social situation Experienced treatment plan
01 GRIP F 66 Melanoma Low Single 1 option O
02 GRIP F 68 Breast Low Married Sequential steps O→CT→RT
03 GRIP M 65 Colon High Married Sequential steps RT→CT→O
04 GRIP F 66 Breast High Married Sequential steps O→CT
05 GRIP F 69 Melanoma Low Married 1 option O
06 GRIP F 76 Breast High Married Sequential steps CT→O→RT→HT
07 GRIP F 72 Breast High Widow Sequential steps O→HT
08 GRIP F 72 Breast High Married Sequential steps O→RT
09 GRIP F 55 Breast Low Married Sequential steps O→RT
10 GRIP M 55 Colon High Widow Sequential steps RT→CT→O
11 GRIP F 54 Breast High Married Sequential steps O→CT→RT→HT
12 GRIP F 59 Breast High Divorced Sequential steps CT→O→RT→HT
13 TO F 69 Breast Middle Married Sequential steps RT→O→CT
14 TO M 74 Prostate Low Married >1 option RT or CT or O
15 TO F 82 Lung Low Widow >1 option Doing nothing or O or RT
16 TO M 77 Prostate High Married >1 option RT or CT or O
17 TO F 81 Gynaecologic High Single Sequential steps O→ RT
18 TO F 75 Gynaecologic Middle Single Sequential steps O→ RT
19 TO M 74 Prostate Middle Married 1 option RT
20 TO M 73 Prostate Middle Married >1 option RT or O

Abbreviations: ‘→’, treatment plan with sequential steps; CT, chemotherapy; F, female; HT, hormonal therapy; M, male; O, operation; Pt, patient; RT, radiotherapy; TO, Time Out.

Treatment options in bold were accepted and non‐bold treatment options were rejected by the patient.