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. 2021 Feb 23;34(6):e4493. doi: 10.1002/nbm.4493


Parameters of all imaging experiments. The most important scan parameters are the target T 2*, the bandwidth (BW), the field of view (FOV), the readout gradient (G) (used to encode the outer k‐space [c.f. Figure 1B]), the voxel size (Δr), the matrix size (M), the dead time (Δt), the k‐space gap (k gap), the number of signal averages (NSA), the pulse type, the pulse duration (Pul. dur), the coil type and the scanner field strength (B0). More details are provided in the supporting information

Sample Target T 2* BW (kHz) FOV (mm) G (mT/m) Δr (mm) M Δt (μs) k gap (dk) NSA Pulse Pul. dur (μs) Coil type B0 (T)
Sphere simulations 100 1000 200 117.4 1 200 30 30 x x x x x
Stack of erasers 100 250 240 24.5 1.9 128 100 25 1 Block 2 Birdcage 7
Bone 200 766 90 199.9 0.4 256 40 31 8 Block 2 Surface 3
Head 200 2000 300 156.6 1.7 176 15 30 19 HSn 8 Birdcage 3
Knee 500 250 240 24.5 1.0 240 5.5 2 1 Block 2 Birdcage 7
Knee 500 250 240 24.5 1.0 240 200 50 1 Block 2 Birdcage 7
MnCl2 vials 55 852 100 199.9 1.0 100 55 47 1 HSn 10 Surface 3
MnCl2 vials 100 470 100 110.4 1.0 100 100 47 1 HSn 10 Surface 3
MnCl2 vials 200 235 100 55.2 1.0 100 200 47 1 HSn 10 Surface 3
MnCl2 vials 400 118 100 27.6 1.0 100 400 47 1 HSn 10 Surface 3
MnCl2 vials 600 78 100 18.3 1.0 100 600 47 1 HSn 10 Surface 3