Peripheral nervous system functioning (e.g., electrocardiograms of heart rate, hormone assays) |
(Blondel et al., 2016; Grippo et al., 2007b; Klein et al., 1997) |
Genotyping, genomics, and transcriptomics (e.g., PCR and sequencing, genome linkage maps) |
(Duclot et al., 2020; Hammock and Young, 2005a; McGraw et al., 2011; Okhovat et al., 2015) |
Transgenic manipulation (e.g., AAV gene transfer, shRNA-targeted knockdown, CRISPR knockin/knockout) |
(Keebaugh et al., 2015; Pitkow et al., 2001b; Horie et al., 2019, 2020) |
Neural activity (e.g., calcium imaging, electrophysiology, fMRI, immediate early gene expression) |
(Amadei et al., 2017; Cushing et al., 2003; Scribner et al., 2020; Yee et al., 2016) |
Neural manipulation (e.g., optogenetics, peripheral administration and microinjection of compounds) |
(Amadei et al., 2017; Winslow et al., 1993; Witt et al., 1990) |
Neural mapping (e.g., anterograde/retrograde tracing, autoradiography, cell proliferation, electrophysiology, immunohistochemistry) |
(Ahmed et al., 2012; Campi et al., 2007; Reep and Kirkpatrick, 1999; Smith et al., 2001; Witt et al., 1991) |
Neuropeptide and neurotransmitter release (e.g., fast-scan cyclic voltammetry, microdialysis) |
(Resendez et al., 2016; Gingrich et al., 2000) |