(A) Schematic of the genetic differences between
68–1, 68–1.2, and FL (wildtype) RhCMV in the region of the genome
encoding the pentameric complex (analogous to the ULb’ region
of HCMV), showing the inversion-deletion event that occurred during in
vitro passage of the 68–1 strain and its partial repair in
68–1.2 (with pointed boxes representing distinct exons, the point
indicating the 3’ end of the ORF). The genomic segments of inversion and
deletion indicated by the letters A, B and C were adapted from Oxford at
al. (11). (B)
Representative MHC restriction analysis of SIVgag-specific CD8+ T
cell responses elicited by strain 68–1 vs. 68–1.2 RhCMV/SIVgag
vectors, alone and in combination, assessed by ICS analysis of consecutive 15mer
peptides with 11 amino acid overlap comprising the SIVgag protein sequence.
Boxes reflect any above-threshold single 15mer response, which were then
color-coded based on MHC restriction type analysis (see Methods). In addition, responsiveness to the
designated MHC-E and MHC-II optimal supertope peptides are indicated by green
and blue arrowheads, respectively. The figure shows only the SIVgag regions from
amino acid 45–75 and amino acid 100–125 (the regions including the
supertopes) of 2 representative RMs, but complete epitope analysis results are
presented in table S1.
These overall data were used to calculate the % of the total MHC
restriction-assignable SIVgag epitopes that were MHC-Ia-, MHC-E-, and
MHC-II-restricted, shown at right in red/green/blue, respectively.