Figure 1.
DDX55 is present in the nucleoplasm and associates with late pre-LSU complexes. (A) The sub-cellular localization of Flag-tagged DDX55 was determined by immunofluorescence (DDX55) using antibodies against the Flag tag. Co-immunofluorescence using an α-UTP14A served as a nucleolar marker and nuclear material was visualized using DAPI staining. Scale bar represents 10 μm. (B) Whole cell extracts prepared from HEK293 cells expressing DDX55-Flag were separated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. During fractionation, a profile of absorbance at 260 nm was generated and the peaks corresponding to free proteins/small complexes, 80S mature/90S pre-ribosomes, and (pre-)40S and (pre-)60 particles are indicated (upper panel). Proteins in each fraction were separated by SDS-PAGE and analysed by western blotting using an α-Flag antibody (lower panel)