Figure 7.
Nerve injury induced dynamic mechanical allodynia in Merkel cell-deficient male mice in the SNI model. A–G, Time course of brush-evoked dynamic mechanical sensitivity, after SNI, in the ipsilateral sural nerve-innervated glabrous (B,D,F) and neighboring hairy (A,C,E,G) skin of K14Cre+;Atoh1fl/fl and control male mice. A, B, Cohort 1. C, D, Cohort 2. E, F, Cohort 3. G, Cohort 4. Data are mean ± SEM. Two-way ANOVA with p value from overall comparison between genotypes over time or force shown at top and number of mice in parentheses. Results of Bonferroni post hoc correction: *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; Cre-positive versus Cre-negative. Extended Data Figures 7-1 and 7-2 support Figure 7.