Figure 11.
Ym2 overexpression counteracts Dex-induced attenuation in OE regeneration. A, The timeline of Lenti-Ym2, Dex, and methimazole administration. B–M, Immunostaining revealed alterations in the number (per 100 µm OE) of ICAM1+ and PGP9.5+ cells (B–D, H–J) as well as OMP+ and Sox2+ cells (E–G, K–M) by saline, Lenti-Ctrl, or Lenti-Ym2 injection in Dex-treated mice, killed on day 14 and day 31 post-OE lesion. N, O, Statistical analysis of the number of ICAM1+, PGP9.5+, OMP+, and apical Sox2+ cells per 100 µm OE in Lenti-Ym2/Dex-treated mice and Lenti-Ctrl/Dex-injected controls on day 14 and day 31 after OE injury (n = 5 sections from three mice). P, Statistical analysis of the OE thickness in Dex-treated mice injected with Lenti-Ctrl or Lenti-Ym2. OE thickness: 32.1 ± 7.1 and 44.5 ± 8.5 μm in mice receiving Lenti-Ctrl and Lenti-Ym2 on day 14; 49.9 ± 6.3 and 54.5 ± 7.0 μm on day 31; n = 10 sections on day 14 and n = 6 sections on day 31 from three mice. Q–T, Confocal images of F4/80+ and CD45+ cells in the OE of Lenti-Ctrl- and Lenti-Ym2-injected mice. U, Statistical analysis of the number of F4/80+ and CD45+ cells/100 µm OE (n = 6 sections from three mice). Statistical significance was determined by two-way ANOVA (N, O, P). N: F(1,32) = 58.79, p < 0.0001; O: F(1,32) = 6.650, p = 0.0013; P: F(1,28) = 8.868, p = 0.0061. Asterisks in N, O, and P were determined by Sidak's multiple-comparisons test. Statistical significance in U was determined by unpaired t test. *p = 0.0347, t(10) = 2.485; ***p < 0.001, t(10) = 6.544. Scale bars: D, G, J, M, 10 μm; Q, S, 20 μm.