Fig. 9. Summary of main conclusions.
(A) The CENP-C dimer binds two nucleosomes (both being represented as CENP-A nucleosomes here). For clarity, binding interactions are only shown for one of the two protomers in the CENP-C dimer. CENP-HIKM/-LN binds near the PEST region, where it attracts CENP-TW. One full KMN network is recruited through the N-terminal region of CENP-C. Another one is recruited through CENP-TWSX. The latter recruits two additional NDC80 complexes. Therefore, each CENP-C protomer is associated with two KMN network complexes and a total of four NDC80 complexes. KNL1 was omitted for clarity. (B) CENP-C with (top) and without (bottom) the CENP-A binding motif in the central region could nevertheless interact with two nucleosomes through the CENP-C motif and the CENP-HIKM/-LN complex.