Fig. 5. Model of the full-length hGHR-GFP in nanodiscs.
(A) Schematic representation of the semianalytical Gaussian random coil (SA-GRC) model. (B) Fits of the SA-GRC to the SAXS data of nanodisc-embedded hGHR-GFP (with GFP) (blue), the ensemble of 6000 conformations taken from the hGHR-GFP +POPCpws10 simulations embedded in the nanodisc model (gray), their ensemble average (green), and reweighted ensemble average (red). (C) Representative snapshot from one of the hGHR-GFP + POPCpws10 simulations (see Materials and Methods). POPC lipids are shown as gray sticks; protein is depicted in surface representation. Some lipids and all water and ions are omitted for clarity. (D) Distribution of Rg from 6000 all-atom conformations obtained from the hGHR-GFP + POPCpws10 simulation after reweighting against the SAXS data. The values are shown both for the full-length protein (blue) and for the individual structural components: ECD (orange), ICD (green), and ICD-GFP (red).