Please indicate your response with a checkmark (√) in the appropriate box, using the scale below: 1 = strongly disagree 2 = disagree 3 = neither agree nor disagree 4 = agree 5 = strongly agree |
1. I want a COVID vaccine for my child? |
2. What are parents’ attitudes toward a possible vaccine for COVID? |
3. My child is up-to-date on all their other vaccines. |
4. Regarding the COVID vaccine, I have less hesitancy than with previous vaccinations? |
5. Live with people at home who are considered at high risk for COVID? |
6. Is your child considered at higher risk (chronic condition)? |
7. Level of concern about COVID? |
8. How concerned are you that a COVID shot might not prevent the disease? |
9. How concerned are you that your child might have a serious side effect from a COVID shot? |