Fig. 2. Differential expression of VqMYB154 in various organs of Danfeng-2 under natural conditions.
a From left to right are Danfeng-2 and its stems, tendrils, leaves during four different periods (from young to mature, leaf-1, leaf-2, leaf-3, and leaf-4), and berries of four developmental stages (green hard berry, before veraison berry, veraison berry, and ripe berry). b Expression analysis of VqMYB154 in various tissues. c Expression analysis of VqMYB154 in Danfeng-2 leaves in four different periods. d Expression analysis of VqMYB154 in Danfeng-2 berries at four developmental stages. Results are shown as the means (±SD) of three biological assays. Significance was determined with GraphPad Prism using one-way ANOVA with Fisher’s LSD test (*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01)