Figure 1.
Cumulative incidence of HCC in the pooled propensity score–matched cohort (n = 16 668), by lipophilic statin use, hydrophilic statin use, or nonuse.
Statin use was defined as ≥30 cDDDs of filled statin prescriptions; nonuse was defined as <30 cDDDs or never-use. P < 0.001 for lipophilic statin users versus nonusers; P = 0.38 for hydrophilic statin users versus nonusers. P values were calculated using the Gray test for equality of the cumulative incidence functions between each group, with accounting for competing risks for death, emigration, and liver transplant. cDDD = cumulative defined daily dose; HCC = hepatocellular carcinoma.
* Atorvastatin and/or simvastatin.
† Rosuvastatin and/or pravastatin.