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. 2021 Jul 1;21:185. doi: 10.1186/s12906-021-03354-7

Table 2.

Characteristics of TCAIM Journals Indexed in Scopus (n = 143)

Position Journal Name ISSN Active or Inactive (as of 2020) Coverage Period Title History Indication Publisher Name Number of Publications Indexed in Scopus 2019 Impact Factor
1 Journal of Natural Products 1633864 (Print); 15206025 (Electronic) Active 1978-ongoing, 1973, 1971, 1949 Formerly known as Lloydia; not categorized as “complementary and alternative medicine” by Scopus American Chemical Society 15144 3.782
2 Zhongguo Zhongyao Zazhi 10015302 (Print) Active 1989-ongoing Formerly known as Zhong Yao Tong Bao (Beijing, China: 1981); not categorized as “complementary and alternative medicine” by Scopus Zhongguo Zhongyi Yanjiuyuan 14577 N/A
3 Planta Medica 00320943 (Print); 14390221 (Electronic) Active 1965-ongoing, 1961 N/A Georg Thieme Verlag 10793 2.687
4 The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association 986151 (Print) Active 1945-ongoing N/A American Osteopathic Association 9533 N/A
5 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 1741427X (Print); 17414288 (Electronic) Active 2005-ongoing N/A Hindawi Publishing Corporation 9261 1.813
6 Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs 02532670 (Print) Active 2006-ongoing N/A Chung Tsao Yao Tsa Chih Pien Chi Pu 8704 N/A
7 Natural Product Communications 1934578X (Print); 15559475 (Electronic) Active 2008-ongoing N/A SAGE Publications Inc. 5800 0.468
8 Pharmaceutical Biology 13880209 (Print); 17445116 (Electronic) Active 1975-ongoing, 1961-1972 Formerly known as International Journal of Pharmacognosy; not categorized as “complementary and alternative medicine” by Scopus Taylor & Francis 4901 2.971
9 Phytomedicine 09447113 (Print) Active 1994-ongoing N/A Elsevier BV 4212 4.268
10 BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 14726882 (Print) Inactive 2001-2019 Continued as BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies; see position #63 BioMed Central 3902 N/A (Inactive)
11 Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 10755535 (Print) Active 1995-ongoing N/A Mary Ann Liebert Inc. 3709 2.256
12 Journal of Asian Natural Products Research 10286020 (Print); 14772213 (Electronic) Active 1998-ongoing N/A Taylor & Francis 2822 1.345
13 American Journal of Chinese Medicine 0192415X (Print) Active 1979-ongoing, 1974-1977 Formerly known as Comparative Medicine East and West; not categorized as “complementary and alternative medicine” by Scopus World Scientific Publishing Co 2719 3.682
14 British Homeopathic Journal 00070785 (Print) Inactive 1998-2001, 1945-1995 Continued as Homeopathy: The Journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy; see position #44 Elsevier BV 2652 N/A (Inactive)
15 American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis 00029157 (Print) Active 1958-ongoing N/A Taylor and Francis Inc. 2573 0.766
16 Complementary Therapies in Medicine 09652299 (Print) Active 1993-ongoing Formerly known as Complementary Medical Research; see position #123 Churchill Livingstone 2436 2.063
17 Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine 16720415 (Print); 19930402 (Electronic) Active 2005-ongoing Formerly known as Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine; not categorized as “complementary and alternative medicine” by Scopus Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2170 1.545
18 Manuelle Medizin 00252514 (Print); 14330466 (Electronic) Active 1973-ongoing N/A Springer Verlag 2003 N/A
19 Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 13608592 (Print) Active 1996-ongoing N/A Churchill Livingstone 1987 N/A
20 Phytochemical Analysis 09580344 (Print); 10991565 (Electronic) Active 1990-ongoing N/A John Wiley & Sons Inc. 1954 2.772
21 Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 10786791 (Print) Active 1995-ongoing N/A InnoVision Communications 1892 0.937
22 Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Xue Bao = Journal of Chinese integrative medicine 16721977 (Print) Inactive 2003-2012 Continued as Journal of Integrative Medicine; not categorized as “complementary and alternative medicine” by Scopus Shanghai Association of Integrative Medicine 1861 N/A (Inactive)
23 Holistic Nursing Practice 08879311 (Print); 15505138 (Electronic) Active 1986-ongoing Formerly known as Topics in Clinical Nursing; not categorized as “complementary and alternative medicine” by Scopus Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ltd. 1722 0.968
24 Zeitschrift für Phytotherapie: Offizielles Organ der Ges. f. Phytotherapie e.V 0722348X (Print) Active 1985-ongoing, 1982 N/A Hippokrates Verlag 1648 N/A
25 Alternative and Complementary Therapies 10762809 (Print) Active 1999-ongoing N/A Mary Ann Liebert Inc. 1631 N/A
26 Journal of Medicinal Plant Research 19960875 (Print) Inactive 2009-2011 N/A Academic Journals 1495 N/A (Inactive)
27 EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing 15508307 (Print) Active 2005-ongoing N/A Elsevier BV 1462 1.485
28 Journal of Natural Medicines 18610293 (Print) Active 2006-ongoing Formerly known as Natural Medicines; not categorized as “complementary and alternative medicine” by Scopus Springer Verlag 1461 2.055
29 Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 09725938 (Print); 09751068 (Electronic) Active 2008-ongoing N/A National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources 1446 0.731
30 Acupuncture in Medicine 09645284 (Print) Active 1996-ongoing N/A BMJ Publishing Group 1391 2.129
31 Deutsche Zeitschrift für Akupunktur 04156412 (Print); 14394359 (Electronic) Inactive 1984-2016 (cancelled) N/A Springer Medizin 1344 N/A (Inactive)
32 Integrative Cancer Therapies 15347354 (Print) Active 2002-ongoing N/A Sage Science Press 1258 2.379
33 Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 17443881 (Print) Active 2005-ongoing Formerly known as Complementary Therapies in Nursing and Midwifery; see position #76 Elsevier BV 1231 1.770
34 Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies 14653753 (Print) Inactive 2004-2016 N/A Wiley-Blackwell 1165 N/A (Inactive)
35 Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science 16723597 (Print); 19930399 (Electronic) Active 2007-ongoing N/A Springer Nature Switzerland AG 1156 N/A
36 Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines 20956975 (Print); 18755364 (Electronic) Active 2004-ongoing N/A China Pharmaceutical University 1147 2.014
37 European Journal of Integrative Medicine 18763820 (Print) Active 2008-ongoing N/A Elsevier BV 1120 0.974
38 Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais 15160572 (Print) Inactive 1999-2016 N/A Fundacao do Instituto de Biociencias 1115 N/A (Inactive)
39 Journal of Medicinal Plants 16840240 (Print) Active 2004-ongoing N/A Pizhuhishkadh-i giyahan-i darayiva faravardah ha-vi tabbii 1090 N/A
40 Phytotherapie 16248597 (Print); 17652847 (Electronic) Active 2005-ongoing N/A Springer Verlag 1071 N/A
41 African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines 01896016 (Print) Inactive 2006-2016 (cancelled), 2002, 1995, 1991, 1981-1982, 1973-1978, 1970 N/A African Networks on Ethnomedicines 995 N/A (Inactive)
42 Forschende Komplementarmedizin 16614119 (Print); 16614127 (Electronic) Inactive 2006-2016, 2002 Formerly known as Forschende Komplementarmedizin und Klassische Naturheilkunde; not categorized as “complementary and alternative medicine” by Scopus S. Karger AG 990 N/A (Inactive)
43 Schweizerische Zeitschrift für GanzheitsMedizin 10150684 (Print) Inactive 2002-2017 N/A Dr. Becker & Partner AG-Verlag fuer Ganzheits Medizin 934 N/A (Inactive)
44 Homeopathy: The Journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy 14754916 (Print); 14764245 (Electronic) Active 1998-ongoing Formerly known as British Homeopathic Journal; see position #14 Churchill Livingstone 934 N/A
45 Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 17464269 (Print) Active 2005-ongoing N/A BioMed Central 928 2.264
46 Journal of Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants 10496475 (Print); 15403580 (Electronic) Active 1992-ongoing N/A The Haworth Herbal Press 922 N/A
47 American Journal of Acupuncture 00913960 (Print) Inactive 1975-1999 N/A American Journal of Acupuncture 843 N/A (Inactive)
48 Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutics Research 03601293 (Print) Active 1976-ongoing N/A Cognizant Communication Corporation 838 0.200
49 Medical Acupuncture 19336586 (Print) Active 2008-ongoing N/A Mary Ann Liebert Inc. 825 N/A
50 Journal of Ginseng Research 12268453 (Print); 20934947 (Electronic) Active 2010-ongoing N/A Elsevier BV 770 5.487
51 Boletin Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromaticas 07177917 (Print) Active 2008-ongoing N/A Universidad de Santiago de Chile 701 0.819
52 Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine 15533840 (Print) Active 2006-ongoing N/A Walter de Gruyter GmbH 699 N/A
53 Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine 09759476 (Print); 09762809 (Electronic) Active 2010-ongoing N/A Elsevier BV 690 N/A
54 Chinese Medicine 17498546 (Print) Active 2006-ongoing N/A BioMed Central 619 2.960
55 Integrative Medicine 1546993X (Print) Active 2013-ongoing, 2005-2010 Formerly known as International Journal of Integrative Medicine; not categorized as “complementary and alternative medicine” by Scopus InnoVision Communications 611 N/A
56 Alternative Medicine Review 10895159 (Print) Inactive 1996-2012 N/A Thorne Reasearch Inc. 587 N/A (Inactive)
57 Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 22254110 (Print) Active 2011-ongoing N/A Elsevier BV 562 N/A
58 JAMS Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies 20052901 (Print) Active 2008-ongoing N/A Elsevier BV 531 N/A
59 Chiropractic and Manual Therapies 2045709X (Print) Active 2011-ongoing Formerly known as Chiropractic and Osteopathy; see position #113 BioMed Central 475 1.512
60 Osteopathische Medizin 16159071 (Print) Inactive 2004-2017 (cancelled) N/A Elsevier BV 470 N/A (Inactive)
61 Medicina Naturista 15763080 (Print) Active 2012-ongoing N/A Zaragoza: Universidad de Zaragoza, Facultad de Medicina 462 N/A
62 Journal of Chinese Medicine 01438042 (Print) Active 2016-ongoing, 2001-2013 N/A Eastland Press 459 N/A
63 BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies 26627671 (Electronic) Active 2020-ongoing Formerly known as BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine; see position #10 BioMed Central Ltd. 456 2.833
64 International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine 17460689 (Print) Active 2005-ongoing N/A Elsevier Ltd 454 1.208
65 Revista Internacional de Acupuntura 18878369 (Print) Active 2007-ongoing N/A Elsevier BV 452 N/A
66 Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research 26160684 (Print); 26160692 (Electronic) Active 2017-ongoing N/A Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Benin 452 N/A
67 Nordic Journal of Music Therapy 08098131 (Print) Active 2001-ongoing Formerly known as Nordisk Tidsskrift for Musikkterapi; see position #104 Taylor & Francis 442 0.913
68 Chinesische Medizin 09302786 (Print) Inactive 1999-2017 (cancelled) N/A Springer International Publishing AG 437 N/A (Inactive)
69 International Journal of Phytomedicine 09750185 (Print) Inactive 2010-2016 (cancelled) N/A Advanced Research Journals 427 N/A (Inactive)
70 Revue d'Homeopathie 18789730 (Print) Active 2010-ongoing N/A Elsevier Masson 416 N/A
71 Studies on Ethno-Medicine 09735070 (Print) Active 2009-ongoing N/A Kamla-Raj Enterprises 406 N/A
72 Journal of Herbal Medicine 22108033 (Print); 22108041 (Electronic) Active 2011-ongoing N/A Urban und Fischer Verlag Jena 405 2.221
73 Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature 22311866 (Print); 22311874 (Electronic) Active 2011-ongoing N/A Taylor and Francis Ltd. 402 N/A
74 Natural Products Journal 22103155 (Print); 22103163 (Electronic) Active 2011-ongoing N/A Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 395 N/A
75 Music Therapy Perspectives 07346875 (Print) Active 2011-ongoing N/A Oxford University Press 391 N/A
76 Complementary Therapies in Nursing and Midwifery 13536117 (Print) Inactive 1995-2004 Continued as Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice; see position #33 Elsevier BV 385 N/A (Inactive)
77 Complementary Health Practice Review 15332101 (Print) Inactive 2007-2010, 1996-1999 Continued as Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine; see positions #79 and #125 SAGE Publications Inc. 375 N/A (Inactive)
78 Integrative Medicine Alert 23252812 (Print) Active 2013-ongoing Formerly known as Alternative Medicine Alert; see position #99 American Health Consultants, Inc. 374 N/A
79 Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 21565872 (Print) Inactive 2014-2018, 1995 Continued as Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine; see positions #77, #125 and #136 SAGE Publications 369 N/A (Inactive)
80 Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine 15982386 (Print); 22111069 (Electronic) Inactive 2012-2019 Continued as Advances in Traditional Medicine; see position #108 Springer Science + Business Media 357 N/A (Inactive)
81 KIM - Komplementare und Integrative Medizin, Artztezeitschrift für Naturheilverfahren 18638678 (Print) Inactive 2007-2009 Formerly known as Arztezeitschrift fur Naturheilverfahren und Regulationsmedizin; see position #91 Urban & Fischer Verlag 336 N/A (Inactive)
82 Complementary Medicine Research 25042092 (Print); 25042106 (Electronic) Active 2017-ongoing, 2015 N/A S. Karger AG 314 1.089
83 Research Journal of Medicinal Plant 18193455 (Print) Inactive 2009-2016 (cancelled) N/A Academic Journals Inc. 311 N/A (Inactive)
84 International Journal of Aromatherapy 09624562 (Print); 15322106 (Electronic) Inactive 1995-2006 N/A Essential Oil Resource Consultants 307 N/A (Inactive)
85 International Journal of High Dilution Research 19826206 (Print) Active 2011-ongoing N/A Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP 300 N/A
86 Herba Polonica 00180599 (Print) Active 2018-ongoing, 1973-1979 N/A Instytut Roslin i Przetworow Zielarskich 284 N/A
87 Sleep and Hypnosis 13021192 (Print) Active 2000-ongoing N/A Kure Iletisim Grubu A S 282 N/A
88 Thermology International 1560604X (Print) Active 2002-ongoing N/A European Association of Thermology 278 N/A
89 Journal of the Australian Traditional-Medicine Society 13263390 (Print) Inactive 2008-2016 N/A Australian Traditional-Medicine Society 276 N/A (Inactive)
90 Journal of Traditional Medicines 18801447 (Print); 18813747 (Electronic) Inactive 2004-2013 N/A Medical and Pharmaceutical Society for WAKAN-YAKU 268 N/A (Inactive)
91 Arztezeitschrift für Naturheilverfahren und Regulationsmedizin 16148339 (Print) Inactive 2004-2006 Continued as KIM - Komplementare und Integrative Medizin, Artztezeitschrift fur Naturheilverfahren see position #81 Medizinisch Literarische Verlagsgesellschaft mbH 266 N/A (Inactive)
92 Revista Medica de Homeopatia 18888526 (Print) Inactive 2008-2017 N/A Elsevier Doyma 261 N/A (Inactive)
93 Pharmacognosy Reviews 09737847 (Print); 09762787 (Electronic) Inactive 2009-2018 (cancelled) N/A Medknow Publications 255 N/A (Inactive)
94 Advances in Integrative Medicine 22129588 (Print); 22129596 (Electronic) Active 2013-ongoing N/A Elsevier BV 254 N/A
95 Journal of Chiropractic Humanities 15563499 (Print) Active 2010-ongoing N/A Elsevier BV 247 N/A
96 Asian Medicine 1573420X (Print); 15734218 (Electronic) Active 2007-ongoing N/A Brill 241 N/A
97 Natural Solutions 19408153 (Print) Inactive 2009-2011, 1996-1997 N/A Alternative 226 N/A (Inactive)
98 Spirituality in Clinical Practice 23264500 (Print); 23264519 (Electronic) Active 2014-ongoing N/A American Psychological Association Inc. 222 N/A
99 Alternative Medicine Alert 1096942X (Print) Inactive 2009-2012 Continued as Integrative Medicine Alert; see position #78 American Health Consultants, Inc. 220 N/A (Inactive)
100 Journal of Complementary Medicine 14468263 (Print) Inactive 2008-2009 N/A Australian Pharmaceutical Publishing Co., Ltd. 205 N/A (Inactive)
101 World Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 23118571 (Print); 25892894 (Electronic) Active 2017-ongoing N/A Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications 200 N/A
102 Australian Journal of Medical Herbalism 10338330 (Print) Inactive 2006-2017 Continued as Australian Journal of Herbal and Naturopathic Medicine; see position #130 National Herbalists Association of Australia 177 N/A (Inactive)
103 International Journal of Applied Research in Natural Products 19406223 (Print) Inactive 2008-2016 (cancelled) N/A Healthy Synergies Publications 176 N/A (Inactive)
104 Nordisk Tidsskrift for Musikkterapi 08039828 (Print) Inactive 1992-2000 Continued as Nordic Journal of Music Therapy; see position #67 Taylor and Francis Ltd. 175 N/A (Inactive)
105 Journal of Pharmacopuncture 20936966 (Print); 22346856 (Electronic) Active 2016-ongoing N/A Korean Pharmacopuncture Institute 173 N/A
106 European Journal of Oriental Medicine 13516647 (Print) Inactive 2017, 2006-2014 N/A British Acupuncture Council 159 N/A (Inactive)
107 Phytomedica 09723293 (Print) Inactive 1999-2006 Formerly known as Indian Journal of Indigenous Medicines; not categorized as “complementary and alternative medicine” by Scopus Scientific Publishers 158 N/A (Inactive)
108 Advances in Traditional Medicine 26624052 (Print); 26624060 (Electronic) Active 2020-ongoing Formerly known as Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine; see position #80 Springer Singapore 157 N/A
109 Chiropractic Journal of Australia 10360913 (Print) Active 2016-ongoing, 2010-2013 N/A Chiropractors' Association of Australia 151 N/A
110 Journal of Sports Chiropractic and Rehabilitation 10841288 (Print) Inactive 1996-2001 Formerly known as Chiropractic Sports Medicine; see position #115 Atwood Publishing 147 N/A (Inactive)
111 Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research 23788763 (Electronic) Active 2016-ongoing N/A Mary Ann Liebert Inc. 147 N/A
112 Revista de Fitoterapia 15760952 (Print); 19885806 (Electronic) Active 2009-ongoing N/A Cita Publicaciones y Documentacion SL 144 N/A
113 Chiropractic and Osteopathy 17461340 (Print) Inactive 2005-2010 Continued as Chiropractic and Manual Therapies; see position #59 BioMed Central 135 N/A (Inactive)
114 Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine 10950656 (Print) Inactive 2000-2007 N/A Prometheus Books Inc. 134 N/A (Inactive)
115 Chiropractic Sports Medicine 08896976 (Print) Inactive 1987-1995 Continued as Journal of Sports Chiropractic and Rehabilitation; see position #110 Atwood Publishing 133 N/A (Inactive)
116 Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine 14611449 (Print) Inactive 1999-2003 N/A Churchill Livingstone 133 N/A (Inactive)
117 International Journal of Ozone Therapy 19723539 (Print) Inactive 2007-2013 N/A Centauro SRL 129 N/A (Inactive)
118 Journal of the Society for Integrative Oncology 1715894X (Print) Inactive 2006-2010 Formerly known as Journal of Cancer Integrative Medicine; see position #140 B.C. Decker Inc. 128 N/A (Inactive)
119 Journal of Intercultural Ethnopharmacology 21468397 (Electronic) Inactive 2016-2017 (cancelled) N/A Ejmanager LLC 122 N/A (Inactive)
120 Medicina Clinica e Termale 11239395 (Print) Inactive 2008, 2005-2006, 2001-2003, 1997-1998 N/A Tipografia la Commerciale s.n.c. 122 N/A (Inactive)
121 Phytotherapie Europeenne 16286847 (Print) Inactive 2007-2010 N/A Meditions Carline 121 N/A (Inactive)
122 Alternative Medicine 10814000 (Print) Inactive 2007-2008 N/A Future Medicine Pub. 119 N/A (Inactive)
123 Complementary Medical Research 02684055 (Print) Inactive 1988-1992 Continued as Complementary Therapies in Medicine; see position #16 Routledge & Kegan Paul 119 N/A (Inactive)
124 Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences 20957548 (Electronic) Active 2019-ongoing N/A Beijing University of Chinese Medicine 115 N/A
125 Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine 2515690X (Electronic) Active 2018-ongoing Formerly known as Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine; see positions #77, 79 #125 and #136 SAGE Publications Ltd 113 N/A
126 Alternative Therapies in Womens Health 15223396 (Print) Inactive 2006-2009 N/A American Health Consultant 97 N/A (Inactive)
127 Integrative Medicine Research 22134220 (Print); 22134239 (Electronic) Active 2020-ongoing N/A Elsevier BV 96 2.172
128 Australian Journal of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine 18339735 (Print) Inactive 2016-2016, 2011-2014 N/A Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association Ltd 83 N/A (Inactive)
129 AAO Journal 23755776 (Print) Active 2006-ongoing N/A American Academy Of Osteopathy 83 N/A
130 Australian Journal of Herbal and Naturopathic Medicine 2209119X (Print); 22091203 (Electronic) Active 2018-ongoing Formerly known as Australian Journal of Medical Herbalism; see position #102 Naturopaths and Herbalists Association of Australia 63 N/A
131 Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy 09747168 (Print); 23207094 (Electronic) Active 2019-ongoing N/A Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications 61 N/A
132 Akupunktur und Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin 16146891 (Print) Inactive 2004-2006 Formerly known as Akupunktur; not categorized as “complementary and alternative medicine” by Scopus Medizinisch Literarische Verlagsgesellschaft mbH 59 N/A (Inactive)
133 Seminars in Preventive and Alternative Medicine 15564061 (Print) Inactive 2005-2007 N/A Elsevier 43 N/A (Inactive)
134 Open Access Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 09747877 (Print) Active 2010-ongoing N/A Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Association of India 41 N/A
135 Archives of Drug Information 17535174 (Print) Inactive 2008-2011 N/A John Wiley & Sons Inc. 35 N/A (Inactive)
136 Integrative Medicine Insights 11773936 (Print) Inactive 2008-2018 Continued as Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine; see positions #79 and #125 Libertas Academica 33 N/A (Inactive)
137 Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine 11762330 (Print) Inactive 2005 N/A Adis Press 31 N/A (Inactive)
138 Current Traditional Medicine 22150838 (Print); 22150846 (Electronic) Inactive 2015-2016 N/A Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 16 N/A (Inactive)
139 Journal of Experimental and Integrative Medicine 13094572 (Print); 21463298 (Electronic) Inactive 2014-2016 N/A Gesdav 16 N/A (Inactive)
140 Journal of Cancer Integrative Medicine 15446301 (Print) Inactive 2005 Continued as Journal of the Society for Integrative Oncology; see position #118 Prime National Publishing Corp. 15 N/A (Inactive)
141 International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture 10471979 (Print) Inactive 2014-2016 N/A Allerton Press Inc. 4 N/A (Inactive)
142 World Journal of Acupuncture - Moxibustion 10035257 (Electronic) Inactive 2013 N/A Elsevier BV 4 N/A (Inactive)
143 Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine 08344825 (Print) Inactive 2017, 1988-2015 Formerly known as Journal of Orthomolecular Psychiatry; not categorized as “complementary and alternative medicine” by Scopus Canadian Schizophrenia Foundation 0 N/A (Inactive)