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. 2020 Jul 29;23(9):1175–1183. doi: 10.1111/1756-185X.13917



Assessment of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and peripheral disease over 52 weeks. A, Mean Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) score from baseline to 52 weeks. B, Patients with AS achieving 50% improvement in BASDAI score (BASDAI 50) over the treatment duration. C, Change in Maastricht Ankylosing Spondylitis Enthesitis Score (MASES) for patients with enthesitis at baseline. D, Prevalence of enthesitis of the plantar fascia across the study duration (%). E, Changes in tender joint count (TJC) and F, swollen joint count (SJC) in patients presenting with peripheral arthritis (≥1 swollen joint) from baseline. G, Change in dactylitis score for patients who presented with dactylitis at baseline. P values were calculated by paired t test or signed rank test (*P < .05; ***P < .0001) and represent the differences between baseline and values assessed at study's subsequent visits.