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. 2020 Jul 27;10(5):486–493. doi: 10.1002/cpdd.851

Table 3.

Number of Participants With Treatment‐Emergent Vilaprisan‐Related Adverse Events by Primary System Organ Class and Preferred Term

Primary SOC PT MedDRA version 21.1 Total N = 12 (100.0%)
Subjects with at least 1 such AE 9 (75.0)
Gastrointestinal disorders 4 (33.3)
Abdominal distention 3 (25.0)
Abdominal pain 1 (8.3)
Epigastric discomfort 1 (8.3)
General disorders and administration site conditions 2 (16.7)
Fatigue 2 (16.7)
Investigations 8 (66.7)
Alanine aminotransferase increased 1 (8.3)
Aspartate aminotransferase increased 1 (8.3)
Blood triglycerides increased 6 (50.0)
Ultrasound of uterus abnormal 1 (8.3)
Nervous system disorders 1 (8.3)
Headache 1 (8.3)
Reproductive system and breast disorders 1 (8.3)
Cervical cyst 1 (8.3)
Hydrometra 1 (8.3)
Ovarian cyst 1 (8.3)
Pelvic fluid collection 1 (8.3)
Postmenopausal hemorrhage 1 (8.3)
Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders 1 (8.3)
Eczema 1 (8.3)

AE, adverse event; MedDRA, Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities; PT, preferred term; SOC, system organ class.

Data are presented as n (%). Data are based on the Safety Analysis Set. AEs are sorted in alphabetical order by primary SOC and PT.