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. 2021 Jul 1;2021(7):CD003586. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003586.pub4


Study name Evaluation of an adaptive computerized training for rehabilitation of spatial neglect in stroke survivors (MULTITASK)
Methods Randomised cross‐over. Both experimental and control trainings will be administered consecutively to all patients. Each type of training will be delivered for 10 sessions, with order of training randomised across participants
Participants Inclusion criteria
  • First‐stroke patients with right brain damage

  • Right‐handedness

  • Preserved Italian language comprehension to provide informed consensus

  • Clinical signs of spatial neglect (diagnosis by BIT)

Exclusion criteria
  • Prior history of psychiatric or neurological disease

  • Substance abuse

  • Inability to sustain experimental trainings

Interventions Patients will receive at first the Labyrinth training for 10 sessions of 45 minutes, delivered 4 days per week. Then, they will undergo standard training for 10 sessions of 45 minutes, for around 4 days per week. Before and after each training, patients will be tested for primary and secondary outcomes with standardised tests
Patients sit in front of a computer monitor and play the adaptive video game with a joystick. The game requires to orient and move inside a maze, and it includes phases that engage multi‐tasking abilities. The level and speed of the game are adapted online to patients' performance
Experimental: Labyrinth training, then standard training device: adaptive computer game training
Outcomes Primary outcome measures
Diagnostic test for spatial neglect, composed of different subtests of spatial attention
Test for everyday functional outcome
  • Changes on Behavioral Inattention Test (BIT) [Time Frame: baseline; immediately after first training; immediately after second training; finally after 3 weeks from completion of second training]

  • Changes on KF‐NAP Scale [Time Frame: baseline; immediately after first training; immediately after second training; finally after 3 weeks from completion of second training]

Secondary outcome measures
Computerised test on spatial monitoring and multi‐tasking abilities
Test for allocentric and egocentric spatial neglect
  • Changes on Load Test [Time Frame: baseline; immediately after first training; immediately after second training; finally after 3 weeks from completion of second training]

  • Changes on Apple Test [Time Frame: baseline; immediately after first training; immediately after second training; finally after 3 weeks from completion of second training]

Starting date 16 December 2019
Contact information Contact: Francesca Meneghello, MD, 0412207183 ext 0039;
Notes End date: 31 December 2021