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. 2021 Jun 17;12:677746. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.677746



Global comparative transcriptomic analysis of skeletal muscles from mouse models of MSTN inhibition identified Pak1 as a MSTN-responsive gene. (A) Venn diagram comparing the differentially expressed genes into muscles from eight different models of pre- and postnatal MSTN inhibition with Pak1 as the only gene commonly regulated between all the transcriptomes compared. (B) Pak1 mRNA fold-changes for each muscle transcriptome studied. (C) Muscle Pak1 mRNA levels and muscle weight from TA muscles of mTrFS vs. WT mice (n = 11/group); from TA muscles of four times sActRIIB-injected vs. PBS-injected mice (n = 6/group) and from GC muscles of MSTN KO vs. WT mice (n = 7/group). (D) Muscle Pak1 mRNA levels and muscle weight from GC muscles of DEXA-treated vs. saline-treated mice (n = 7/group) and from MSTN-transfected vs. CTRL pcDNA-transfected TA muscles (n = 3/group). Representative western blot image and densitometric analysis of PAK1 protein levels in GC muscles from (E) mTrFS vs. WT C57Bl/6 mice (n = 8/group) and from (F) sActRIIB-injected vs. PBS-injected mice (n = 4/group). Results are expressed as means ± SEM and statistical analysis was performed using unpaired t-test (*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001 vs. CTRL/WT).