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. 2021 Feb 18;19(2):311–352. doi: 10.1111/vco.12677
Adverse Event 1 2 3 4 5
Alopecia Transient sparse thinning or denuding of hair at localized site, patchy alopecia (regrows but takes longer than 4 weeks) Transient generalized thinning of hair coat, generalized alopecia (regrows but takes longer than 4 weeks) Permanent sparse or generalized thinning of hair at localized site, or permanent patchy or generalized alopecia
Definition: A disorder characterized by a decrease in density of hair compared to normal for a given individual at a given age and body location.
Bruising (in absence of Grade 3 or 4 thrombocytopenia) Localized or in a dependent area Generalized/multi‐focal
Definition: A finding of injury of the soft tissues or bone characterized by leakage of blood into surrounding tissues.
Oedema, limbs 5%‐10% inter‐limb discrepancy in volume or circumference at point of greatest difference; swelling or obscuration of anatomic architecture on close inspection >10%‐30% inter‐limb discrepancy in volume or circumference at point of greatest difference; readily apparent obscuration of anatomic architecture, deviation from normal anatomic contour >30% inter‐limb discrepancy in volume; gross deviation from normal anatomic contour; limiting ADL
Definition: Swelling due to excessive fluid accumulation in the upper or lower extremities.
Oedema, localized Localized to dependent areas; no disability or functional impairment Moderate localized oedema; intervention indicated Severe localized oedema limiting ADL; intervention indicated
Definition: Swelling due to excessive fluid accumulation at a specific anatomic site.
Erythema Limited to localized site Generalized
Definition: Superficial reddening of the skin, usually in patches, as a result of injury or irritation causing dilatation of the blood capillaries.
Erythema multiforme Target lesions covering <10% BSA and not associated with skin tenderness Target lesions covering 10%‐30% BSA and associated with skin tenderness Target lesions covering >30% BSA, or any number of lesions associated with oral or genital erosions

Target lesions covering >30% BSA; associated with fluid or

electrolyte abnormalities; ICU

care indicated

Definition: A disorder characterized by target lesions (a pink‐red ring around a pale centre).
Hyperpigmentation Slight or moderate and confined to fewer than 3 sites (localized), or slight generalized changes Marked localized (<3 sites), or moderate generalized changes (more than 3 sites) Marked generalized changes
Hypopigmentation Slight or moderate and confined to fewer than 3 sites (localized), or slight generalized changes Marked localized (<3 sites), or moderate generalized changes (more than 3 sites) Marked generalized changes
Nail/nailbed/claw changes Discoloration, pitting, any number of nail(s)/claw(s) Weakening (friable, breaks easily), no pain or changes in gait, any number of nail(s)/claw(s) Partial or complete loss of nail(s)/claw(s) on any number of paws/feet; pain; lameness Partial or complete loss of nail(s)/claw(s) on at least two paws/feet and significantly interfering with ADL—unwilling to ambulate Nail/nailbed/claw changes that result in a decision for euthanasia
Palmar‐plantar erythrodysesthesia syndrome Minimal changes or pododermatitis (eg, erythema) without pain Skin or paw pad changes (eg, peeling/flaking, blisters, bleeding, oedema) or pain, not interfering with function, easily managed medically, resolves significantly within 1 week of drug withdrawal Skin or paw pad changes that are painful and interfere with function (lameness, excessive licking) and include moist, ulcerative dermatitis, and return to function within 1 week of drug withdrawal Skin or paw pad changes that are painful, interfere with function and change in function persists longer than 1 week Skin or paw pad changes that result in a decision for euthanasia
Definition: A disorder characterized by redness, marked discomfort, swelling and possible ulceration of the palmar/plantar surfaces of the paws.
Photosensitivity Painless erythema Painful erythema Erythema with dry desquamation Erythema with moist desquamation or ulceration, life‐threatening (would result in euthanasia if not treated); disabling Complications of photosensitivity that result in death or euthanasia
Definition: A disorder characterized by an increase in sensitivity of the skin to light.
Pruritus Mild or localized, does not result in lesions because of self‐trauma Moderate or widespread and occurs regularly; may occur at night but not when eating or playing; would result in lesions due to self‐trauma if restraint (e‐collar or covering of affected area) is not used when unsupervised. Licking or scratching continuously, requires restraint (e‐collar or covering of affected area) at all times to prevent self‐trauma, oral corticosteroid or immunosuppressive therapy usually prescribed unless contraindicated Severe and prolonged; continues when eating, playing, exercising, limits sleeping and eating; oral corticosteroid or immunosuppressive therapy indicated
Definition: A disorder characterized by intense itching.
Purpura Combined area of lesions covering <10% BSA Combined area of lesions covering 10%‐30% BSA; bleeding with trauma Combined area of lesions covering >30% BSA; spontaneous bleeding
Definition: A disorder characterized by haemorrhagic areas of the skin and mucous membrane. Newer lesions appear reddish in colour. Older lesions are usually a darker purple colour and eventually become a brownish‐yellow colour.
Rash: acne/acneiform Macules, papules apules and/or pustules covering <10% BSA, which may or may not be associated with symptoms of pruritus or tenderness Macules, papules apules and/or pustules covering 10%‐30% BSA, which may or may not be associated with symptoms of pruritus or tenderness Macules, papules apules and/or pustules covering >30% BSA, which may or may not be associated with symptoms of pruritus or tenderness; limiting ADL; associated with local superinfection with oral antibiotics indicated Macules, papules apules and/or pustules covering any % BSA, which may or may not be associated with symptoms of pruritus or tenderness and are associated with extensive superinfection with IV antibiotics indicated; life‐threatening consequences Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by an eruption of papules and pustules or a disorder characterized by the presence of macules (flat) and papules (elevated). Also known as morbilliform rash.
Scaling Fine scaling, noticeable only upon close examination Scaling easily visible but not exfoliation in clumps; minimal crusting Easily visible generalized scaling and crusting with generalized exfoliation upon examination
Definition: A disorder characterized by flaky and dull skin.
Skin atrophy

Covering <10% BSA; associated with

telangiectasia or changes in skin colour

Covering 10%‐30% BSA; associated with striae or adnexal structure loss Covering >30% BSA; associated with ulceration
Definition: A disorder characterized by the degeneration and thinning of the epidermis and dermis.
Skin ulceration Non‐blanchable erythema of only superficially eroded intact skin with associated warmth or oedema Combined area of ulcers ≤2 cm and partial thickness skin loss involving skin or subcutaneous fat Combined area of ulcers >2 cm with partial thickness skin loss or full‐thickness skin loss (any size) involving damage to or necrosis of subcutaneous tissue that may extend down to fascia Any size ulcer (full thickness) with extensive destruction, tissue necrosis, or damage to muscle, bone, or supporting structures with or without full thickness skin loss Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by circumscribed, inflammatory and necrotic erosive lesion on the skin. If depth and size are discrepant, grade is assigned based on depth of ulceration and not size.
Toxic epidermal necrolysis Skin sloughing covering ≥30% body surface area with associated symptoms (eg, erythema, purpura or epidermal detachment) Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by greater than 30% total body skin area separation of dermis. The syndrome is thought to be a hypersensitivity complex affecting the skin and the mucous membranes.
Urticaria (hives, welts, wheals) Transient, resolves without treatment Some discomfort, Intervention indicated for <48 h Moderate to marked discomfort, Intervention indicated for >48 h
Definition: A disorder characterized by a pruritic skin eruption characterized by wheals with pale interiors and well‐defined red margins.
Other (specify, _________) Asymptomatic or mild symptoms; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated

Moderate; minimal, local or non‐invasive intervention

indicated; limiting age appropriate ADL

Severe or medically significant but not immediately life‐threatening; hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization indicated; limiting self care ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Adverse Event 1 2 3 4 5
Ear pain Mild pain Moderate pain; not limiting ADL Severe pain; limiting ADL
Definition: A disorder characterized by a sensation of marked discomfort in any part of the ear.
External ear inflammation External otitis with erythema or dry desquamation External otitis with moist desquamation, oedema, enhanced cerumen or discharge; tympanic membrane perforation; tympanostomy indicated External otitis with mastoiditis; stenosis or osteomyelitis; necrosis of soft tissue or bone Urgent operative intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by inflammation, swelling and redness to the outer ear and ear canal.
Hearing impaired Slow to respond to auditory stimuli; mild BAER abnormalities such as prolonged peak latencies and decreased wave amplitides Only responsive to loud auditory stimuli; moderate BAER abnormalities such as isoelectric air conducted BAER with normal or abnormal bone conducted BAER Clinically deaf; severe BAER abnormalities such as isoelectric air and bone conducted BAER
Definition: A disorder characterized by partial or complete loss of the ability to detect or understand sounds resulting from damage to ear structures. BAER = brainstem auditory evoked potentials
Middle ear inflammation Serous otitis Serous otitis, medical intervention indicated Mastoiditis; necrosis of canal soft tissue or bone Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by inflammation, swelling and redness to the middle ear.
Vertigo Symptomatic; not limiting ADL Severe symptoms; limiting ADL
Definition: A disorder characterized by dizziness, imbalance, nausea and vision problems.
Other (specify, _________) Asymptomatic or mild symptoms; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated

Moderate; minimal, local or non‐invasive intervention

indicated; limiting age appropriate ADL

Severe or medically significant but not immediately life‐threatening;

hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization indicated; limiting self care ADL

Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Adverse Event 1 2 3 4 5
Adrenal insufficiency Asymptomatic, intervention not indicated Symptomatic, out‐patient intervention indicated Symptomatic, hospitalization indicated Life‐threatening; disabling Death
Definition: A disorder that occurs when the adrenal cortex does not produce enough of the hormone cortisol and in some cases, the hormone aldosterone. It may be due to a disorder of the adrenal cortex as in Addison's disease or primary adrenal insufficiency.
Hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing syndrome) Symptomatic, out‐patient medical intervention indicated Symptomatic, in‐patient medical intervention indicated
Definition: A disorder characterized by elevated cortisol concentrations. It may be due to exogenous (iatrogenic) or endogenous (pituitary‐dependent, adrenal‐dependent) causes.
Pancreatic endocrine: transient glucose intolerance, diabetes mellitus Blood glucose <200 mg/dL, no intervention needed Symptomatic, dietary modification or oral agent or short‐term insulin indicated Symptoms interfering with ADL (eg, anorexia); insulin indicated; hospitalization could be considered Life‐threatening consequences (eg, ketoacidosis, hyperosmolarity); hospitalization indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by insufficient production of pancreatic insulin leading to glucose intolerance and/or diabetes mellitus.
Pancreatic exocrine: maldigestion Asymptomatic, intervention not indicated Symptomatic, dietary modification or oral agents indicated Symptoms interfering with ADL; Grade 3 weight loss Life‐threatening consequences; cachexia Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by insufficient production of pancreatic exocrine enzymes leading to maldigestion.
Parathyroid function (hyperparathyroidism) Asymptomatic, diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Symptomatic, intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by an increase in production of parathyroid hormone by the parathyroid glands. This results in hypercalcaemia.
Parathyroid function (hypoparathyroidism) Asymptomatic; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Moderate symptoms; medical intervention indicated Severe symptoms; medical intervention and hospitalization indicated Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by a decrease in production of parathyroid hormone by the parathyroid glands.
Thyroid function (hyperthyroidism) Asymptomatic; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Symptomatic; thyroid suppression therapy indicated; limiting ADL Severe symptoms; thyroid suppression, limiting ADL, hospitalization indicated Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by excessive levels of thyroid hormone in the body. Common causes include an overactive thyroid gland or thyroid hormone overdose.
Thyroid function (hypothyroidism) Asymptomatic, diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Symptomatic, not interfering with ADL, thyroid replacement indicated Symptoms interfering with ADL, hospitalization indicated Life‐threatening myxedema; coma Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by a decrease in production of thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland.
Other (specify, _________) Asymptomatic or mild symptoms; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Moderate; minimal, local or non‐invasive intervention indicated; limiting age appropriate ADL Severe or medically significant but not immediately life‐threatening; hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization indicated; limiting self care ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Adverse Event 1 2 3 4 5
Abdominal distention Clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Clinical signs present; outpatient medical management indicated Severe discomfort; limiting ADL; inpatient management indicated.
Definition: A disorder characterized by swelling of the abdomen.
Appetite, altered Decreased appetite lasting ≤1 week Decreased appetite lasting 1‐2 weeks Decreased appetite lasting >2 weeks
Definition: A disorder characterized by a loss of appetite/decreased interest in food.
Anorexia Complete anorexia lasting <48 h Complete anorexia lasting 2‐3 days Anorexia of 3‐5 days duration; associated with significant weight loss (≥10%) or malnutrition; IV fluids, tube feeding or force feeding indicated Life‐threatening consequences; TPN indicated; complete anorexia of >5 days duration Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by a complete lack of food intake.
Colitis Asymptomatic, pathologic or radiologic findings only Abdominal cramping/pain; mucus or blood in stool; outpatient medical intervention indicated; ≤5 days duration Abdominal pain, fever, change in bowel habits, ileus, peritoneal signs; hospitalization indicated; >5 days duration Life‐threatening consequences (eg, perforation, bleeding, ischaemia, necrosis) Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by inflammation of the colon.
Constipation Occasional or intermittent symptoms; occasional use of stool softeners, laxatives, dietary modification or enema Persistent symptoms with regular use of laxatives or enemas indicated Symptoms interfering with ADL; obstipation with manual evacuation indicated Life‐threatening consequences (eg, obstruction, megacolon) Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by irregular and infrequent or difficult evacuation of the bowels.
Dehydration Increased oral fluids indicated; dry mucous membranes; decreased skin turgor Parenteral (IV or SC) fluids indicated <48 h IV fluids indicated >48 h Life‐threatening (eg, haemodynamic collapse) Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by excessive loss of water from the body.
Diarrhoea Decreased stool consistency or mild diarrhoea lasting ≤24 h that resolves with or without the use of medication and/or parenteral (IV or SC) fluids Diarrhoea lasting longer than 24 h Diarrhoea that requires hospitalization; interfering with ADL Life‐threatening (eg, haemodynamic collapse) Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by frequent and watery bowel movements.
Dysphagia Symptomatic but able to eat regular diet Symptomatic and altered eating/swallowing (eg, altered dietary habits, food consistency); parenteral (IV or SC) fluids indicated <48 h Symptomatic and severely altered eating/swallowing (eg, inadequate oral caloric or fluid intake); IV fluids >48 h, tube feeding or PPN/TPN indicated Life‐threatening (eg, obstruction, perforation) Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by difficulty in swallowing.
Enteritis Asymptomatic, pathologic or radiologic findings only Abdominal pain/cramping; mucus or blood in stool; medical management indicated; Hospitalization ≤48 h indicated Abdominal pain/cramping, fever, change in bowel habits with ileus; peritoneal signs; hospitalization >48 h indicated Life‐threatening (eg, perforation, bleeding, ischaemia, necrosis) Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by inflammation of the small intestine.
Esophagitis Clinical or diagnostic observation only; ≤2 episodes of regurgitation in a 48‐h period; intervention not indicated >2 episodes of regurgitation in a 48‐h period; medical management indicated Severe, recurrent symptoms; invasive intervention indicated (eg, endoscopy, luminal dilation, gastrostomy tube feeding) Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: inflammation of the oesophagus, including sequelae such as stricture; typically due to gastroesophageal reflux.
Flatulence Mild Moderate Severe
Definition: A disorder characterized by a state of excessive gas in the intestinal tract.
Gastric dilatation, volvulus Symptomatic; gastric dilatation without volvulus or malposition Symptomatic; gastric dilatation and malposition; non‐surgical intervention indicated Life threatening consequences; urgent operative intervention indicated Death
Definition: Pathologic accumulation of gas and ingesta within gastric lumen, with or without gastric torsion or other malposition.
Gastric ulceration Clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Altered GI function; medical intervention indicated Severely altered GI function; TPN indicated; elective operative or endoscopic intervention indicated Life‐threatening consequences; urgent operative intervention indicated; gastric perforation Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by a circumscribed, inflammatory and necrotic erosive lesion on the mucosal surface of the stomach.
Ileus, GI Asymptomatic, radiologic finding only Symptomatic; altered GI function (eg, altered dietary habits); parenteral (IV or SC) fluids indicated ≤48 h Symptomatic and severely altered GI function; IV fluids, tube feedings or PPN/TPN indicated >48 h Life‐threatening consequences Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by failure of the ileum to transport intestinal contents.
Incontinence, anal Occasional Daily Interfering with ADL; operative intervention indicated Permanent Complications of anal incontinence that result in euthanasia
Definition: A disorder characterized by inability to consciously control rectal evacuation.
Megaesophagus Clinical or diagnostic observation only; secondary to gastric dilatation; intervention not indicated except for underlying gastric complaint Mild symptoms; minimal weight loss; medical management indicated Symptomatic; clinically apparent weight loss; intervention such as gastrotomy tube feeding or hospitalization indicated Severe symptoms; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: Generalized dilation and hypomotility of the oesophagus.
Mucositis/stomatitis Erythema of the mucosa Patchy ulcerations or pseudomembranes Confluent ulcerations or pseudomembranes; bleeding with minor trauma Tissue necrosis; significant spontaneous bleeding; life‐threatening Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by inflammation of the oral mucosa.
Nausea/ptyalism Salivation or “smacking of lips” noted; did not required intervention Salivation or “smacking of lips” required intervention
Definition: A disorder characterized by hypersalivation and sensation or urge to vomit—difficult to assess in companion species.
Vomiting Vomiting lasting ≤24 h that resolves with or without the use of medication and/or parenteral (IV or SC) fluids Vomiting lasting longer than 24 h Vomiting that requires hospitalization; interfering with ADL Life‐threatening (eg, haemodynamic collapse) Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by the reflexive act of ejecting the contents of the stomach through the mouth.
Other (specify, _________) Asymptomatic or mild symptoms; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Moderate; minimal, local or non‐invasive intervention indicated; limiting age appropriate ADL Severe or medically significant but not immediately life‐threatening; hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization indicated; limiting self care ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Adverse Event 1 2 3 4 5
Haematoma Minimal signs, invasive intervention not indicated Minimally invasive evacuation or aspiration indicated
Definition: A disorder characterized by a localized collection of blood, usually clotted, in an organ, space, or tissue, due to a break in the wall of a blood vessel.
Haemorrhage/bleeding Minimal; Intervention not indicated Managed with corrective action and/or fluid therapy but without further consequences or blood product administration Further non‐life‐threatening consequences and/or blood product administration Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: Uncontrolled bleeding.
Other (specify, _________) Asymptomatic or mild symptoms; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Moderate; minimal, local or non‐invasive intervention indicated; limiting age appropriate ADL Severe or medically significant but not immediately life‐threatening; hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization indicated; limiting self care ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Adverse Event 1 2 3 4 5
Cholecystitis Asymptomatic, radiologic (inclusive of radiography, ultrasonography and computed tomography) findings only Symptomatic, medical intervention indicated Operative or endoscopic intervention required Life‐threatening (eg, sepsis or perforation) Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by inflammation involving the gallbladder. It may be associated with the presence of gallstones.
Liver dysfunction/failure (clinical signs only) Jaundice Encephalopathy or coma Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by the inability of the liver to metabolize chemicals in the body. Laboratory test results reveal abnormal plasma levels of ammonia, bilirubin, lactic dehydrogenase and alkaline phosphatase.
Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency Increase in stool frequency, bulk or odour; steatorrhea Sequelae of absorption deficiency (eg, weight loss) Life‐threatening Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by insufficient production of pancreatic exocrine enzymes leading to maldigestion.

Pancreatic lipase enzyme elevation;

imaging findings only

Grade 1 or 2 vomiting and or/hyporexia; medical intervention indicated (eg, anti‐emetics analgesia, parenteral hydration, nutritional support) Severe cranial abdominal pain; Grade 3 or higher vomiting; coagulopathy; Grade 1 or 2 hyperbilirubinemia; evidence of SIRS (systemic inflammatory response syndrome) or MODS (multiple organ dysfunction syndrome); plasma transfusion indicated Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated; Unresponsive hypotension; Grade 3/4 hyperbilirubinemia with evidence of extrahepatic biliary obstruction; suppurative abdominal exudate; may require surgical intervention Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by inflammation of the pancreas.
Other (specify, _________) Asymptomatic or mild symptoms; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Moderate; minimal, local or non‐invasive intervention indicated; limiting age appropriate ADL Severe or medically significant but not immediately life‐threatening; hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization indicated; limiting self care ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Adverse Event 1 2 3 4 5
Acidosis pH < normal, but ≥7.3 pH < 7.3 Life‐threatening consequences Death
Albumin, low <LLN‐2.0 g/dL <2.0‐1.5 g/dL <1.5 g/dL
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP), high

Dog: >ULN‐2.5 × ULN

Cat: >ULN‐1.25 × ULN

Dog: >2.5‐5.0 × ULN

Cat: >1.25‐1.5 × ULN

Dog: >5.0‐20 × ULN

Cat: >1.5‐2.0 × ULN

Dog: >20 × ULN

Cat: >2 × ULN

Alkalosis pH > normal, but ≤7.5 pH > 7.5 Life‐threatening consequences Death
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), high

Dog: >ULN‐1.5 × ULN

Cat: >ULN‐1.25 × ULN

Dog: >1.5‐4.0 × ULN

Cat: >1.25‐1.5 × ULN

Dog: >4.0‐10 × ULN

Cat: >1.5‐2.0 × ULN

Dog: >10 × ULN

Cat: >2 × ULN

Amylase >ULN‐1.5 × ULN >1.5–2.0 × ULN >2.0‐5 × ULN >5 × ULN
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), high >ULN‐1.5 × ULN >1.5‐2.0 × ULN >2.0‐10 × ULN >10 × ULN
Bile acids, fasting (with normal bilirubin) Values reported above normal reference interval
Bilirubin >ULN‐1.5 × ULN >1.5‐3.0 × ULN >3.0‐10 × ULN >10 × ULN
BUN >1‐1.5 × baseline; >ULN‐1.5 × ULN >1.5‐3 × baseline; >1.5‐2.0 × ULN >3 × baseline; >2.0‐3 × ULN >3 × ULN
Calcium, low

<LLN‐8.0 mg/dL

Ionized dog: <LLN‐1.1 nmol/L

Ionized cat: <LLN‐0.9 nmol/L

<8.0‐7.0 mg/dL

Ionized dog:

<1.1‐1.0 nmol/L

Ionized cat:

<0.9‐0.8 nmol/L

<7.0‐6.0 mg/dL

Ionized dog:

<1.0‐0.9 nmol/L

Ionized cat:

<0.8‐0.7 nmol/L

<6.0 mg/dL

Ionized dog:

<0.9 nmol/L

Ionized cat:

<0.7 nmol/L

Calcium, high

>ULN‐<12.0 mg/dL

Ionized: >ULN‐1.5 nmol/L

≥12.0‐13.0 mg/dL

Ionized: >1.5‐1.6 nmol/L, mild clinical signs not requiring immediate intervention

>13.0 mg/dL

Ionized: >1.6‐1.8 nmol/L with clinical signs and/or sequela requiring medical intervention; hospitalization indicated

Life‐threatening, require immediate patient intervention Death
Creatine phosphokinase (CPK), high >ULN‐2.5 × ULN >2.5‐5 × ULN >5‐10 × ULN >10 × ULN
Creatinine, high >1‐1.5 × baseline; >ULN‐1.5 × ULN >1.5‐3 × baseline; >1.5‐2.0 × ULN >3 × baseline; >2.0‐3 × ULN >3 × ULN
Glucose, high

Dog: >ULN‐160 mg/dL

Cat: >ULN‐200 mg/dL

abnormal glucose above normal with no medical intervention needed

Dog: >160‐250 mg/dL

Cat: >200‐250 mg/dL

Dog: >250‐500 mg/dL

Cat: >250‐500 mg/dL

Dog: >500 mg/dL

Cat: >500 mg/dL

Glucose, low <LLN‐55 mg/dL <55‐40 mg/dL <40‐30 mg/dL <30 mg/dL Death
Potassium, high >ULN‐5.5 mmol/L >5.5‐6.0 mmol/L >6.0‐7.0 mmol/L >7.0 mmol/L Death
Potassium, low <LLN‐3.0 mmol/L <3.0‐2.5 <2.5 Death
Phosphorous, high >ULN‐8.9 mg/dL 9.0‐12.9 mg/dL 13.0‐18.9 mg/dL >19.0 mg/dL Death
Phosphorous, low <LLN <LLN with evidence of haemolysis
Sodium, high ≤5 mEq/L above ULN 6‐10 mEq/L above ULN; intervention indicated 11‐15 mEq/L above ULN; hospitalization indicated >15 mEq/L above ULN; life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Sodium, low <LLN‐130 mEq/L 125‐129 mEq/L, asymptomatic 125‐129 mEq/L, symptomatic; 120‐124 mEq/L regardless of symptoms <120 mEq/L; life‐threatening consequences Death
Tumour lysis syndrome Asymptomatic, clinicopathologic finding Mild‐moderate clinical signs, medical intervention indicated ≤48 h Medical intervention, hospitalization >48 h indicated Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by metabolic abnormalities that result from a spontaneous or therapy‐related cytolysis of tumour cells.
Other (specify, _________) Asymptomatic or mild symptoms; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Moderate; minimal, local or non‐invasive intervention indicated; limiting age appropriate ADL Severe or medically significant but not immediately life‐threatening; hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization indicated; limiting self care ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Adverse Event 1 2 3 4 5
Arthritis, non‐septic Imaging or clinicopathologic finding only Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL
Definition: A disorder characterized by inflammation involving a joint.
Extremity (gait/ambulation) lameness Clinical signs not interfering with ADL Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL
Definition: Inability to walk normally because of an injury or illness affecting the limbs.
Joint effusion Imaging or clinicopathologic finding only Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL
Definition: A disorder characterized by excessive fluid in a joint.
Muscle weakness, generalized or specific area Observation only Clinical signs evident on examination; limiting ADL Clinical signs evident on examination; severely restricted in ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by a reduction in the strength of the muscles.
Myositis (inflammation of muscle) Imaging or clinicopathologic finding only Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by inflammation involving the skeletal muscles.
Seroma Clinical or diagnostic observation only; intervention not indicated Symptomatic; simple aspiration indicated Symptomatic; invasive intervention indicated
Definition: Sterile localized collection of fluid at a site of tissue removal or other surgical manipulation.
Soft tissue necrosis Minor signs of soft tissue damage, no intervention indicated Local wound care; medical intervention indicated Operative debridement or other invasive intervention indicated Life‐threatening; major invasive intervention indicated (eg, reconstruction, graft) Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by a necrotic process occurring in the soft tissues.
Other (specify, _________)

Asymptomatic or mild symptoms; clinical or diagnostic observations only;

intervention not indicated

Moderate; minimal, local or non‐invasive intervention indicated; limiting age appropriate ADL Severe or medically significant but not immediately life‐threatening; hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization indicated; limiting self care ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Adverse Event 1 2 3 4 5
Abducens nerve disorder Asymptomatic; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL
Definition: A disorder characterized by dysfunction of the abducens nerve (6th cranial nerve).
Accessory nerve disorder Asymptomatic; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL
Definition: A disorder characterized by dysfunction of the accessory nerve (11th cranial nerve).
Apnoea Present Intubation indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by cessation of breathing.
Ataxia Clinical signs not interfering with ADL Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL
Definition: A disorder characterized by lack of coordination of muscle movements resulting in the impairment or inability to perform voluntary activities.
Brachial plexopathy Asymptomatic; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL
Definition: A disorder characterized by regional motor or sensory dysfunction referable to the brachial plexus.
Central nervous system necrosis Asymptomatic; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by a necrotic process affecting the brain or spinal cord.
Cerebral oedema New onset; worsening from baseline; affects ADL; outpatient therapy indicated New onset; worsening from baseline; significantly affects ADL; hospitalization or prolongation of hospitalization indicated Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by swelling due to an excessive accumulation of fluid in the brain.
Cerebrospinal fluid leakage Post‐procedural; asymptomatic Post‐surgical; moderate clinical signs; medical intervention indicated Post‐surgical; severe clinical signs; medical or surgical intervention indicated Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by loss of cerebrospinal fluid into or through surrounding tissues.
Cochlear nerve disorder Asymptomatic; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated; mild BAER abnormalities such as prolonged peak latencies and decreased wave amplitides Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL; moderate BAER abnormalities such as isoelectric air conducted BAER with normal or abnormal bone conducted BAER Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL; severe BAER abnormalities such as isoelectric air and bone conducted BAER
Definition: A disorder characterized by dysfunction of the cochlear component of the vestibulocochlear nerve (8th cranial nerve).
Cognitive disturbance Mild cognitive disability; treatment not indicated Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL Euthanized due to cognitive disability
Definition: A disorder characterized by a conspicuous change in cognitive functions.
Depressed level of consciousness Decreased level of alertness Sedate, slow responses to stimuli; Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Difficult to arouse; Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by a decrease in the ability to receive or respond to stimuli.
Dizziness Mild unsteadiness Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL
Definition: Nausea/motion sickness due to vestibular dysfunction.
Dysphonia Dysphonia Aphonia
Definition: A disorder characterized by a reduced ability to vocalize.
Encephalitis Mild signs or symptoms; not interfering with ADL Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by inflammation of the brain; may be infectious or non‐infectious aetiology.
Encephalopathy Mild signs or symptoms; not interfering with ADL Signs or symptoms interfering with ADL; hospitalization indicated Life‐threatening; disabling Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by any pathological process involving the brain.
Facial nerve disorder Asymptomatic; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL (includes neurogenic dry eye syndrome) Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL
Definition: A disorder characterized by dysfunction of the facial nerve (7th cranial nerve).
Glossopharyngeal nerve disorder Asymptomatic; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL Life‐threatening Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by dysfunction of the glossopharyngeal nerve (9th cranial nerve).
Head pain Mild pain Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL
Definition: A disorder manifested by discomfort in various parts of the cranium/head.
Hydrocephalus Clinical or diagnostic observation only; Mild signs or symptoms; not interfering with ADL Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by abnormal increase of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles (internal), subarachnoid space (external) or ex vacuo.
Hypertensive encephalopathy Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by the presence of encephalopathic clinical signs observed in association with systemic hypertension.
Hypoglossal nerve disorder Asymptomatic; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL
Definition: A disorder characterized by dysfunction of the hypoglossal nerve (12th cranial nerve).
Intracranial haemorrhage Clinical or diagnostic observations only; Mild signs or symptoms; not interfering with ADL Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by bleeding within the cranium.
Ischaemic cerebrovascular accident Imaging finding only Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL; intervention indicated Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL; invasive intervention indicated Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by a decrease or absence of blood supply to the brain caused by obstruction of an artery.
Laryngeal nerve dysfunction Asymptomatic; clinical exam finding Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by abnormal laryngeal function.
Leukoencephalopathy Mild signs or symptoms; not interfering with ADL Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by T2/FLAIR hyperintensities involving the periventricular white matter, +/− ventriculomegaly or enlargement of the subarachnoid space.
Meningitis Asymptomatic or mild signs; not interfering with ADL Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by inflammation of the meninges; may be infectious or non‐infectious aetiology.
Movements involuntary Mild signs or symptoms; not interfering with ADL Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL
Definition: A disorder characterized by uncontrollable and purposeless movements.
Muscle weakness left‐sided Observation only; no clinical signs present Clinical signs evident on examination; causing some difficulty with performing ADL Clinical signs evident on examination; severely restricted in ADL
Definition: A disorder characterized by a reduction in the strength of the muscles on the left side of the body.
Muscle weakness right‐sided Observation only; no clinical signs present Clinical signs evident on examination; causing some difficulty with performing ADL Clinical signs evident on examination; severely restricted in ADL
Definition: A disorder characterized by a reduction in the strength of the muscles on the right side of the body.
Myasthenia gravis Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by weakness and rapid fatigue of any of the skeletal muscles.
Myelitis Asymptomatic or mild signs; not interfering with ADL Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by inflammation of the spinal cord; may be infectious or non‐infectious aetiology.
Oculomotor nerve disorder Asymptomatic; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL
Definition: A disorder characterized by dysfunction of the oculomotor nerve (3rd cranial nerve).
Olfactory nerve disorder Hyposmia/microsmia Anosmia
Definition: A disorder characterized by dysfunction of the olfactory nerve (1st cranial nerve).
Optic nerve disorder Asymptomatic; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL
Definition: A disorder characterized by dysfunction of the optic nerve (2nd cranial nerve).
Peripheral neuropathy‐motor (including sensorimotor) Mild signs or symptoms; not interfering with ADL Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by damage or dysfunction of peripheral sensory nerves.
Peripheral neuropathy‐sensory Mild signs or symptoms; not interfering with ADL Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated
Definition: A disorder characterized by damage or dysfunction of peripheral motor nerves.
Personality/behaviour Change noticed but not adversely affecting patient or family Change, adversely affecting patient or family Change is harmful to others or self; affects ADL Complications that result in death or euthanasia
Definition: A change in personality or behaviour regardless of aetiology (structural, functional, etc).
Proprioceptive deficit Mild signs or symptoms; not interfering with ADL Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL
Definition: A deficit in proprioception with or without proprioceptive ataxia.
Seizure Single focal seizure Single generalized seizure; anti‐convulsant medication indicated New onset seizures (focal or generalized); multiple seizures despite medical intervention; hospitalization indicated Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A transient occurrence of signs and/or symptoms due to abnormal excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain.
Spasticity Mild increase in muscle tone; not interfering with ADL Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by increased involuntary muscle tone that affects regions interfering with voluntary movement.
Spinal cord compression Imaging finding only Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL; intervention indicated Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL; invasive intervention indicated Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by pressure on the spinal cord.
Transient ischaemic attack Neurologic deficit with or without imaging confirmation Neurological deficit with or without imaging confirmation; limiting ADL Hospitalization or prolongation of hospitalization indicated
Definition: A disorder characterized by a brief attack (<24 h) of brain dysfunction of vascular origin, with no persistent neurological deficits.
Tremor Mild signs or symptoms; not interfering with ADL Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL; intervention indicated Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL; hyperthermia (use same temp as Grade 3 fever, ie, >104 F) Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by the uncontrolled shaking movement of the whole body or individual parts.
Trigeminal nerve disorder Mild signs or symptoms; not interfering with ADL Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL
Definition: A disorder characterized by dysfunction of the trigeminal nerve (5th cranial nerve).
Trochlear nerve disorder Mild signs or symptoms; not interfering with ADL Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL
Definition: A disorder characterized by dysfunction of the trigeminal nerve (4th cranial nerve).
Vagus nerve disorder Asymptomatic; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL; intervention indicated Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by dysfunction of the vagus nerve (10th cranial nerve); does not include dysfunction of laryngeal nerves.
Vestibular nerve disorder Mild signs or symptoms; not interfering with ADL Moderate clinical signs, causing some difficulty with performing ADL Severe clinical signs, severely restricted in ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated
Definition: A disorder characterized by dysfunction of the vestibular component of the vestibulocochlear nerve (8th cranial nerve); clinical manifestations may include head tilt, vestibular ataxia, pathological nystagmus or nausea.
Other (specify, _________) Asymptomatic or mild symptoms; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Moderate; minimal, local or non‐invasive intervention indicated; limiting age appropriate ADL Severe or medically significant but not immediately life‐threatening; hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization indicated; limiting self care ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Adverse Event 1 2 3 4 5
Cataract Asymptomatic, detected on exam only Symptomatic with moderate decrease in visual acuity Symptomatic with marked decrease in visual acuity; operative intervention indicated
Definition: A disorder characterized by partial or complete opacity of the crystalline lens of one or both eyes. This results in a decrease in visual acuity and eventual blindness if untreated.
Conjunctivitis/ocular surface disease Asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic but not interfering with function Symptomatic, significant discharge; interfering with function but not ADL; topical antibiotics or other topical intervention indicated Symptomatic and interfering with ADL; operative intervention indicated Blindness; enucleation indicated
Definition: A disorder characterized by inflammation, swelling and redness to the conjunctiva of the eye.
Dry eye syndrome Mild, intervention not indicated Symptomatic, interfering with function but not ADL; medical intervention indicated Symptomatic or decrease in visual acuity interfering with ADL Blindness; enucleation indicated
Definition: A disorder characterized by dryness of the cornea and conjunctiva with normal facial nerve function.
Epiphora Symptomatic, intervention not indicated Symptomatic, interfering with function but not ADL Symptomatic, interfering with ADL
Definition: A disorder characterized by excessive watering of the eye.
Glaucoma Elevated intraocular pressure (EIOP) with single topical agent for intervention; no visual deficit EIOP causing early visual field deficit; multiple topical or oral agents indicated EIOP causing marked visual deficits; operative intervention indicated EIOP resulting in blindness; enucleation indicated
Definition: A disorder characterized by an increase in pressure in the eyeball due to obstruction of the aqueous humour outflow.
Keratitis (corneal inflammation/corneal ulceration) Abnormal ophthalmologic changes only; intervention not indicated Symptomatic and interfering with function, but not ADL Symptomatic and interfering with ADL; operative intervention indicated Perforation or blindness, enucleation indicated.
Definition: A disorder characterized by inflammation to the cornea of the eye.
Optic disc oedema (papilledema) Mild; does not require treatment Moderate; outpatient treatment required Severe; inpatient treatment required Bilateral blindness
Definition: A disorder characterized by oedema and swelling of the optic disc.
Retinal detachment Exudative; no central vision loss; intervention not indicated Exudative and some visual acuity loss but intervention not indicated Rhegmatogenous or exudative detachment; operative intervention indicated Blindness
Definition: A disorder characterized by the separation of the inner retina layers from the underlying pigment epithelium.
Retinopathy Asymptomatic Symptomatic with moderate decrease in visual acuity Symptomatic with marked decrease in visual acuity; disabling; interfering with ADL Blindness
Definition: A disorder involving the retina.
Scleral necrosis/melt Asymptomatic or symptomatic but not interfering with function Symptomatic, interfering with function but not ADL; moderate decrease in visual acuity; medical intervention indicated Symptomatic, interfering with ADL; operative intervention indicated Blindness; painful eye with enucleation indicated
Definition: A disorder characterized by necrosis of the sclera.
Uveitis Asymptomatic Anterior uveitis; medical intervention indicated Posterior or pan‐uveitis; operative intervention indicated Blindness
Definition: A disorder characterized by inflammation of the uvea of the eye.
Vitreous haemorrhage Asymptomatic, clinical findings only Symptomatic, interfering with function but not ADL; intervention not indicated Symptomatic, interfering with ADL; intervention indicated
Definition: A disorder characterized by blood extravasation into the vitreous humour.
Other (specify, _______) Asymptomatic or mild symptoms; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Moderate; minimal, local or non‐invasive intervention indicated; limiting age appropriate ADL Severe or medically significant but not immediately life‐threatening; hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization indicated; limiting self care ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Adverse Event 1 2 3 4 5


Specify site: _____________

Mild pain not interfering with function Moderate pain; moderately interfering with function or ADL; analgesic therapy indicated Severe pain; significantly interfering with ADL; multimodal analgesia indicated Disabling or uncontrollable pain
Definition: A disorder characterized by marked discomfort.
Other (specify, _________) Asymptomatic or mild symptoms; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Moderate; minimal, local or non‐invasive intervention indicated; limiting age appropriate ADL Severe or medically significant but not immediately life‐threatening; hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization indicated; limiting self care ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Adverse Event 1 2 3 4 5

Present; medical intervention


Life‐threatening respiratory or haemodynamic compromise; intubation or urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by cessation of breathing.
Aspiration pneumonia Asymptomatic; radiographic findings Symptomatic; medical intervention indicated Clinical or radiographic signs of pneumonia or pneumonitis, hospitalization indicated Life‐threatening respiratory or haemodynamic compromise; intubation or urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by inhalation of solids or liquids into the lungs.
Bronchospasm, wheezing Asymptomatic Symptomatic, not interfering with function Symptomatic, interfering with function Life‐threatening Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by a sudden contraction of the smooth muscles of the bronchial wall.
Cough Symptomatic, non‐narcotic medication only indicated Symptomatic and narcotic indicated Symptomatic and interfering with sleep or ADL
Definition: A disorder characterized by sudden, often repetitive, spasmodic contraction of the thoracic cavity, resulting in violent release of air from the lungs and usually accompanied by a distinctive sound.
Dyspnoea Dyspnoea on exertion, but can walk without tiring Dyspnoea on exertion and tires upon ambulating Dyspnoea with ADL Dyspnoea at rest; intubation/ventilator indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by discomfort due to difficulty breathing.
Oedema, larynx Asymptomatic oedema by exam only Symptomatic oedema, no respiratory distress Stridor; respiratory distress; interfering with ADL Life‐threatening; tracheotomy, intubation, indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by swelling due to an excessive accumulation of fluid in the larynx.
Hypoxia <O2 saturation with exercise <O2 saturation at rest; continuous O2 supplementation required Life‐threatening; intubation or ventilation required Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by a decrease in the level of oxygen in the body.
Laryngeal collapse Everted laryngeal saccules or oedematous mucosa narrowing the laryngeal lumen Medial collapse of cuneiform processes; impaired cuneiform abduction Medial or ventral collapse of cuneiform and corniculate processes; paradoxical laryngeal motion Life‐threatening airway obstruction; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: Pathologic distortion of laryngeal anatomy and function secondary to chronic inspiratory pressure.
Pneumonitis/pulmonary infiltrates Asymptomatic, radiographic findings only Symptomatic, not interfering with ADL Symptomatic, interfering with ADL; O2 indicated Life‐threatening; ventilatory support indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by inflammation focally or diffusely affecting the lung parenchyma.
Pulmonary oedema Radiologic findings only; minimal dyspnoea on exertion Moderate dyspnoea on exertion; medical intervention indicated Severe dyspnoea or dyspnoea at rest; oxygen indicated; limiting ADL Life‐threatening respiratory compromise; urgent intervention or intubation with ventilatory support indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by accumulation of fluid in the lung tissues that causes a disturbance of the gas exchange that may lead to respiratory failure.
Pulmonary fibrosis Minimal, estimated lung volume involved <25% Patchy or bilateral changes with estimated lung volume 25‐<50% Dense or widespread infiltrates/consolidation with estimated involved lung volume ≥50%‐75% Estimated involved lung volume >75% Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by the replacement of the lung tissue by connective tissue, leading to progressive dyspnoea, respiratory failure, pulmonary hypertension and right heart failure.
Respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) Present, intubation not indicated Present, intubation indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by progressive and life‐threatening pulmonary distress in the absence of an underlying pulmonary condition, usually following major trauma or surgery.
Tachypnea (not panting) Respiratory rate up to 60 bpm >60 bpm; increased abdominal effort O2 indicated Life‐threatening; ventilatory support indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by abnormally rapid breathing.
Other (specify, _________) Asymptomatic or mild symptoms; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Moderate; minimal, local or non‐invasive intervention indicated; limiting age appropriate ADL Severe or medically significant but not immediately life‐threatening; hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization indicated; limiting self care ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Adverse Event 1 2 3 4 5
Acute kidney injury (Modified International Renal Interest Society [IRIS[ grade) Creatinine ≤1.6 mg/dL (140 μmol/L) with increase of ≥0.3 mg/dL from baseline Creatinine 1.7‐2.5 mg/dL (141‐220 μmol/L); fluid responsive oliguria/anuria within 48 h. Creatinine 2.6‐5.0 mg/dL (221‐439 μmol/L; fluid therapy (IV or SC) and/or renal diet indicated >5.1 (440 μmol/L); renal replacement therapy (RRT) indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by the acute renal parenchymal injury loss of renal function and is traditionally classified as pre‐renal (low blood flow into kidney), renal (kidney damage) and post‐renal causes (ureteral or bladder outflow obstruction).
Chronic kidney disease (International Renal Interest Society [IRIS] stage) Asymptomatic; blood creatinine persistently increasing with in RR and/or SDMA as below OR SDMA persistently >14 μg/dL Mild clinical signs, blood creatinine and/or SDMA as below: Transitional clinical signs, SC or enteral fluid therapy indicated; blood creatinine and/or SDMA as below Uremic;, life‐sustaining measures required; blood creatinine and/or SDMA as below Death


USG <1.030

<1.4 mg/dL (<125 μmol/L); SDMA <18 μg/dL 1.4‐2.8 mg/dL (125‐250 μmol/L); SDMA 18‐35 μg/dL 2.9‐5.0 mg/dL (251‐440 μmol/L); SDMA 36‐54 μg/dL >5.0 mg/dL (>440 μmol/L); SDMA >54 μg/dL


USG <1.035

<1.6 mg/dL (<140 μmol/L); SDMA <18 μg/dL 1.6‐2.8 mg/dL (140‐250 μmol/L); SDMA 18‐25 μg/dL 2.9‐5.0 mg/dL (251‐440 μmol/L); SDMA 26‐38 μg/dL >5.0 mg/dL (>440 μmol/L); SDMA >38 μg/dL
Definition: A disorder characterized by gradual and usually permanent loss of kidney function resulting in renal failure.
Cystitis (haematuria/pyuria included) Asymptomatic; microscopic haematuria/pyuria, not requiring attributed drug discontinuation Symptomatic; transient macroscopic haematuria; pain or antispasmodic medication indicated Transfusion indicated; pain or antispasmodic medication; bladder irrigation indicated; requiring attributed drug discontinuation Catastrophic bleeding; non‐elective intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by inflammation of the bladder which is not caused by an infection of the urinary tract.
Glucosuria Present but transient (<2 weeks) Prolonged (>2 weeks)
Definition: A disorder characterized by the excretion of glucose in the urine.
Haemoglobinuria Present
Incontinence, urinary Occasional (eg, with coughing, sneezing, etc) Spontaneous Interfering with ADL; medical intervention indicated Operative intervention indicated Complications that result in euthanasia
Definition: A disorder characterized by insufficient voluntary control over urination
Obstruction, urinary Asymptomatic; radiographic or endoscopic finding Symptomatic without hydronephrosis or renal dysfunction; urinary catheter placement indicated Symptomatic, altered organ function; hydronephrosis; operative intervention indicated Life‐threatening; organ failure Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by blockage of the normal flow of contents of the urinary tract.
Ureteral obstruction Clinical or diagnostic observation only; intervention not indicated Partial obstruction; mild pyelectasia or ureteral dilation; medical management indicated Symptomatic; moderate to severe pyelectasia or ureteral dilation; invasive intervention indicated Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: a mechanical or functional blockage of urine flow affecting one or both ureters or ureterovesicular junctions.
Urethral obstruction Partial or intermittent obstruction; medical management, indicated Hospitalization, invasive intervention indicated (eg, indwelling catheterization, surgery, cystoscopy, voiding hydropropulsion, lithotripsy) Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A mechanical or functional blockage of urine flow at the level of the urethra.
Proteinuria Urine protein/creatinine ratio 0.2‐0.5 for dogs or 0.2‐0.4 for cats Urine protein/creatinine ratio > 0.5 for dogs or > 0.4 for cats but transient (<14 days in duration) Urine protein/creatinine ratio >0.5 for dogs or >0.4 for cats and prolonged ≥14 days duration)
Definition: A disorder characterized by laboratory test results that indicate the presence of excessive protein in the urine. It is predominantly albumin, but also globulin.
Polyuria Present; >50 mL/kg/day; not interfering with ADL Present; >50 mL/kg/day; interfering with ADL
Definition: A disorder characterized by production of abnormally large volumes of dilute urine.
Pollakiuria Pet asks to be let out more frequently but <6 times/day; any change in frequency that lasts ≤2 days. Pet asks to be let out 6‐10 times/day; any change in frequency that lasts 2‐5 days Pet asks to be let out >10 times/day; any change in frequency that lasts >5 days; interfering with ADL
Definition: A disorder characterized by frequent daytime urination.
Pyometra Metritis or open pyometra without fever; medical management indicated Open or closed pyometra with fever; IV antimicrobial, operative intervention indicated Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: purulent inflammation of the uterus caused by bacteria or other microbes.
Stranguria Minimal straining, attempts to urinate 1‐3 times at a urination event, slightly reduced stream, signs persist up to 2 days Moderate straining, attempts to urinate >3 times at a urination event, moderately reduced stream, signs persist 2‐5 days; treatment indicated Excessive straining, makes repeated attempts to urinate, severely reduced urine stream, signs persist >5 days; medical or surgical intervention required. Life‐threatening, urinary obstruction and post‐renal failure result.
Definition: A disorder characterized by straining to urinate.
Urinary output—diminished Mild oliguria: <1.0 mL/kg/h in a well hydrated and well perfused patient, responsive to medical diuresis Oliguria: <0.5 mL/kg/h in a well hydrated and well perfused patient, resistant to medical diuresis Anuria: absence of urine production Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by diminished production of urine.
Urinary retention (including neurogenic bladder) Hesitancy or dribbling, no significant residual volume Bladder atony requiring transient indwelling catheter <72 h Bladder atony requiring indwelling catheter ≥72 h; operative intervention indicated Life‐threatening consequences; organ failure Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by accumulation of urine within the bladder because of the inability to urinate.
Urinary tract infection Asymptomatic diagnostic finding; intervention not indicated Symptomatic; oral antimicrobial intervention indicated IV antimicrobial intervention indicated; invasive intervention indicated Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: inflammation of the kidney, ureter, bladder or urethra caused by bacteria or other microbes.
Urine colour change Present
Other (specify, _________) Asymptomatic or mild symptoms; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Moderate; minimal, local or non‐invasive intervention indicated; limiting age appropriate ADL Severe or medically significant but not immediately life‐threatening; hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization indicated; limiting self care ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Adverse Event 1 2 3 4 5
Leukaemia secondary to oncology chemotherapy Present Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by leukaemia arising as a result of the mutagenic effect of chemotherapy agents.
Myelodysplastic syndrome Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by insufficiently healthy haematopoietic cell production by the bone marrow.
Treatment related secondary malignancy (Specify, ____________) Non‐life‐threatening benign tumour or malignancy Acute life‐threatening secondary malignancy; blast crisis in leukaemia Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by development of a malignancy most probably as a result of treatment for a previously existing malignancy.

Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (including cysts and polyps)

Other (specify, _________)

Clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Moderate; minimal, local or non‐invasive intervention indicated; Severe or medically significant but not immediately life‐threatening; hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization indicated; limiting ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Other (specify, _________) Asymptomatic or mild symptoms; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Moderate; minimal, local or non‐invasive intervention indicated; limiting age appropriate ADL Severe or medically significant but not immediately life‐threatening; hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization indicated; limiting self care ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Adverse Event 1 2 3 4 5
Foetal death Foetal loss at any gestational age
Definition: A disorder characterized by death in utero; failure of the product of conception to show evidence of respiration, heartbeat or definite movement of a voluntary muscle after expulsion from the uterus, without possibility of resuscitation.
Gynecomastia Mammary gland enlargement without clinical effect on patient Mammary gland enlargement with clinical effect on patient
Definition: A disorder characterized by excessive development of the mammary tissue in males.

Male: oligospermia/low sperm count

Female: diminished fertility/oestrus

Male: sterile/azoospermia Female: infertile/anestrous
Definition: A disorder characterized by inability to reproduce.
Mammary gland function/lactation Mammary abnormality, not functionally significant Mammary abnormality, functionally significant
Definition: A disorder characterized by disturbances in milk production or secretion.
Vaginal discharge (non‐infectious) Mild Moderate to heavy
Definition: A disorder characterized by excess vaginal secretions.
Other (specify, _________) Asymptomatic or mild symptoms; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Moderate; minimal, local or non‐invasive intervention indicated; limiting age appropriate ADL Severe or medically significant but not immediately life‐threatening; hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization indicated; limiting self care ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Adverse Event 1 2 3 4 5
Iatrogenic injury due to anaesthetic procedures No intervention required; without further consequences for the patient Intervention required; without further consequences for the patient Intervention required; further non‐life‐threatening consequences for the patient Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: Injury to tissues or organs caused by placement or malfunction of anaesthetic equipment or devices, including endotracheal tubes, locoregional analgesic delivery systems and anaesthetic monitoring equipment, whether due to operator error or not.
Hypotension (anesthetized patient) Observation only; intervention not indicated Non‐urgent medical intervention indicated Moderate, sustained; medical intervention indicated Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A blood pressure that is below the normal expected level for an anaesthetized patient.
Hypertension (anaesthetized patient) Observation only; intervention not indicated Non‐urgent medical intervention indicated Moderate, sustained; medical intervention indicated Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A blood pressure that is above the normal expected level for an anaesthetized patient.
Hypoxemia (anaesthetized patient) Transient, responsive to mechanical ventilation or inspired oxygen Sustained, moderate to severe; intervention indicated (eg, PEEP, reintubation, thoracocentesis) Life‐threatening, urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: Lower than normal partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2 < 60 mm Hg) in the blood of an anaesthetized patient.
Hypercapnia (anaesthetized patient) Transient, responsive to mechanical ventilation or changing carbon dioxide absorbent Sustained, moderate to severe; intervention indicated (eg, PEEP, reintubation, thoracocentesis) Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: Higher than normal partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2 > 45 mm Hg) in the blood of an anaesthetized patient.
Other (specify, _________) Asymptomatic or mild symptoms; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Moderate; minimal, local or non‐invasive intervention indicated; limiting age appropriate ADL Severe or medically significant but not immediately life‐threatening; hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization indicated; limiting self care ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Adverse Event 1 2 3 4 5
Intra‐operative soft tissue injury Incidents managed with minimal change in operative tactics and without further consequence Incidents managed with change in operative tactics but without further consequences, for example, primary repair of injured structure Incidents with further non‐life‐threatening consequences, for example, resection or reconstruction of injured structure Incidents with further life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: Injury to soft tissues adjacent or adherent to the intended operative site.
Incorrect implant placement Suboptimal placement or positioning that does not substantially impair implant function or result in revision Suboptimal placement or positioning that results in intra‐operative revision or reduced implant function Incidents with further non‐life‐threatening consequences; requiring invasive action such as reoperation, endoscopy, etc Incidents with life‐threatening consequences or resulting in major functional impairment Death
Definition: Surgical introduction of implantable materials in a manner or position inconsistent with the ideal/intended operative plan.
Intra‐operative fracture or bone injury Clinical or diagnostic observation only; intervention not indicated Immobilization or other non‐operative intervention indicated Operative intervention indicated Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: Traumatic injury to the bone during surgery in which the continuity of the bone is broken; includes errors in drilling.
Intra‐operative technical or equipment failure Incidents managed with minimal change in operative tactics and without further consequences for the patient Incidents managed with changes in operative tactics but without further consequences for the patient Incidents with further non‐life‐threatening consequences for the patient Incidents with further life‐threatening consequences for the patient; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: Malfunction of operative equipment, instruments or implantable materials, whether due to operator error or not.
Tumour capsular disruption Incidents resulting in minor disruption; minimal contamination of surrounding tissues Incidents resulting in moderate to severe disruption; gross contamination of surrounding tissues
Definition: Loss of integrity of anatomic barrier structures containing tumour tissues, due to surgical manipulation.
Other (specify, _________) Asymptomatic or mild symptoms; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Moderate; minimal, local or non‐invasive intervention indicated; limiting age appropriate ADL Severe or medically significant but not immediately life‐threatening; hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization indicated; limiting self care ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Adverse Event 1 2 3 4 5
Adhesions Clinical or diagnostic observation only; intervention not indicated Symptomatic; medical management indicated Symptomatic; invasive intervention indicated Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: An abnormal union of tissues or organs due to inflammation or injury.
Dental malocclusion Observation only; no intervention indicated Local irritation requiring topical care/lifestyle change Surgical (tooth extraction) or orthodontic intervention indicated
Definition: Abnormal alignment of the teeth.
Implant complications Clinical or diagnostic observation only; intervention not indicated Cage‐side or non‐invasive management indicated, including antibiotics Invasive intervention indicated to remove, revise or replace implant Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A functional or positional problem with an indwelling medical device or material, such as migration, dislodgement, functional impairment, infection or breakage.
Mandibular drift Observation only; no intervention indicated Local irritation requiring topical care or lifestyle change Surgical (tooth extraction) or orthodontic intervention indicated
Definition: Movement of the mandible relative to the maxilla over time, such that the mandible becomes misaligned with the maxilla.
Oronasal fistula Observation only; no intervention required Medical/lifestyle changes indicated (change in diet consistency, outpatient antibiotics to treat bacterial rhinitis/aspiration pneumonia etc) Surgical intervention indicated; aspiration pneumonia requiring in‐hospital management that is, O2, IV antibiotics Death
Definition: Development of a communication between the oral and nasal cavities.
Prehension difficulties Occasional dropping of food noted but not interfering with ADL Change in oral diet type or consistency required; transient weight loss Transient tube feeding required; supplemental tube feeding required to maintain body weight Oral intake largely impossible; complete tube feeding required to maintain body weight Death
Definition: Difficulty in picking up food by mouth, or difficulty in holding food inside the oral cavity.
Residual flow through an attenuated vessel Negligible residual flow without clinical consequences; intervention not indicated Mild residual flow with possible clinical consequences; serial monitoring or medical management indicated Moderate residual flow with likely clinical consequences; reattenuation indicated if feasible Complete or near‐complete failure of attenuation; life‐threatening consequences possible; reattenuation indicated if feasible
Definition: Ongoing post‐procedural blood flow through a vascular structure deliberately targeted for therapeutic attenuation (such as by surgical placement of ligatures or other attenuating devices, or via intravascular introduction of occlusive materials).
Surgical site stenosis or stricture Clinical or diagnostic observation only; intervention not indicated Symptomatic; medical management or change in lifestyle (eg, diet, exercise) indicated Symptomatic; invasive intervention indicated (eg, stent, surgery, luminal dilation, tube feeding) Life‐threatening consequences including obstruction, airway compromise; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: Narrowing of a surgically repaired mucosal structure, stoma or anastomosis.
Visceral perforation Clinical or diagnostic observation only; intervention not indicated Symptomatic; medical management indicated Symptomatic; invasive intervention indicated (eg, stent, surgical repair, diversion or excision) Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: Loss of integrity of the wall of hollow viscus (eg, trachea, oesophagus, stomach, intestine, rectum, uterus, ureter, urinary bladder, gall bladder) due to direct trauma or ischaemia and necrosis; at an anatomic site not directly involving a surgical repair or incision.
Wound complication Observation only; topical intervention indicated Local care indicated Operative intervention indicated Life‐threatening consequences Death
Definition: Development of a new problem at the site of an existing wound; complications that do not meet criteria for wound infection or wound dehiscence.
Wound dehiscence or anastomotic leakage; biliary Asymptomatic diagnostic finding; intervention not indicated Symptomatic; medical intervention indicated Symptomatic; invasive intervention indicated, (eg, surgical repair, cholecystostomy) Life threatening consequences; urgent operative intervention indicated Death
Definition: Bile leakage at the site of previous surgical intervention involving the liver, bile ducts or gall bladder.
Wound dehiscence or anastomotic leakage; enteric Asymptomatic diagnostic finding; intervention not indicated Symptomatic; medical intervention indicated Symptomatic; invasive intervention indicated Life threatening consequences; urgent operative intervention indicated Death
Definition: Enteric leakage at the site of previous surgical intervention involving oesophagus, stomach, intestine or rectum.
Wound dehiscence or anastomotic leakage; urinary tract Asymptomatic diagnostic finding; intervention not indicated Symptomatic; medical intervention indicated, including retrograde placement of indwelling urinary catheter


Invasive intervention indicated (eg, surgical repair, stent, cystoscopy, cystostomy, nephrostomy or peritoneal drainage catheters)

Life‐threatening consequences; urgent operative intervention indicated Death
Definition: Urine leakage at the site of previous surgical intervention involving the kidney, ureter, urinary bladder, prostate or urethra.
Wound dehiscence; not otherwise specified Incisional separation, intervention not indicated Incisional separation managed with local care (cage side suturing or bandaging) or medical intervention Fascial disruption or dehiscence without evisceration; revision by operative intervention indicated Life‐threatening consequences; symptomatic hernia, evisceration, major reconstruction, resection or amputation indicated Death
Definition: Separation of the approximated margins of a surgical wound; excludes surgically created wounds specifically categorized as enteric, biliary or urinary tract dehiscence.
Wound infection Localized, local intervention indicated Oral antimicrobial intervention indicated IV antimicrobial intervention indicated; invasive intervention indicated (eg, debridement, drainage, repair) Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: An infectious process involving a traumatic or surgically created wound.
Other (specify, _________) Asymptomatic or mild symptoms; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Moderate; minimal, local or non‐invasive intervention indicated; limiting age appropriate ADL Severe or medically significant but not immediately life‐threatening; hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization indicated; limiting self care ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Adverse Event 1 2 3 4 5
Capillary leak syndrome Asymptomatic Symptomatic; medical intervention indicated Respiratory compromise or pressor support Life‐threatening; ventilatory support indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by leakage of intravascular fluids into the extravascular space. This syndrome is observed in patients who demonstrate a state of generalized leaky capillaries following shock syndromes, low‐flow states, ischaemia‐reperfusion injuries, toxemias, medications or poisoning. It can lead to generalized oedema and multiple organ failure.
Lymph leakage/lymphedema Asymptomatic Symptomatic; medical intervention indicated Severe symptoms; radiologic, endoscopic or elective operative intervention indicated Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by the loss of lymph fluid into the surrounding tissue or body cavity.
Peripheral arterial ischaemia Brief (<24 h) episode of ischaemia managed non‐surgically and without permanent deficit Recurring or prolonged (>24 h) and/or invasive intervention indicated Life‐threatening, disabling and/or associated with end‐organ damage (eg, limb loss) Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by impaired circulation to an extremity.
Phlebitis Present
Definition: A disorder characterized by inflammation of the wall of a vein.
Thrombosis/thrombus/embolism Deep vein thrombosis or cardiac thrombosis; intervention not indicated Deep vein thrombosis or cardiac thrombosis; intervention indicated (eg, anticoagulation, lysis, invasive procedure) Embolic event including pulmonary embolism or life‐threatening thrombus Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by occlusion of a vessel by a thrombus that has migrated from a distal site via the blood stream.
Vasculitis (not including perivascular injection of drug) Mild, intervention not indicated Non‐steroidal medical intervention indicated Steroids indicated Ischaemic changes; amputation or surgical debridement indicated Death
Definition: A disorder characterized by inflammation involving the wall of a vessel.
Ischaemia Brief (<24 h) episode of ischaemia managed medically and without permanent deficit Prolonged (>24 h) or recurring clinical signs and/or invasive intervention indicated Life‐threatening; disabling; evidence of end‐ organ damage Death
A disorder characterized by impaired circulation to an extremity or body tissue/organ.
Other (specify, _________) Asymptomatic or mild symptoms; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated Moderate; minimal, local or non‐invasive intervention indicated; limiting age appropriate ADL Severe or medically significant but not immediately life‐threatening; hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization indicated; limiting self care ADL Life‐threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Death