Change from eculizumab baseline in (A) HAI score, (B) mRS score, (C) EQ‐5D‐3L VAS and (D) EQ‐5D‐3L index score over time through 1 year in the combined PREVENT and OLE eculizumab group. *, **, and *** represent the 2‐sided nominal p value of 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001, respectively, testing whether the LS mean change from baseline equals 0. The LS mean, 95% CI, and p value are from a restricted maximum likelihood based repeated‐measures analysis of change from eculizumab baseline. The repeated‐measures model included terms of visit and baseline score. OLE visits at weeks 26, 40, and 52 are shown as weeks 24, 36, and 48, respectively. CI = confidence interval; EQ‐5D‐3L = 3‐level 5‐dimension EuroQol questionnaire; HAI = Hauser Ambulation Index; LS = least‐squares; mRS = modified Rankin Scale; OLE = open‐label extension; VAS = visual analog scale.