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. 2021 Feb 15;77(6):2641–2661. doi: 10.1111/jan.14767


Associations between factors and general parenting self‐efficacy in the general population of parents with children between 0 and 18 years, reported by studies included in this review (n = 30)

Direction of associations a
Negative (‐) Null (0) Positive (+) n/N b Summary c
Socio‐demographic factors
Age Suzuki et al., 2009; Troutman et al., 2012; Cutrona & Troutman, 1986; Ercegovac et al., 2013; de Haan et al., 2013; Katkic et al., 2017 Shrooti et al., 2016 1/7 00
Educational level (higher) Suzuki et al., 2009; Holloway et al., 2005; Hill & Tyson, 2008; Ercegovac et al., 2013; Katkic et al., 2017 Teti & Gelfand, 1991; Cutrona & Troutman, 1986; Shrooti et al., 2016; 3/8 ??
Ethnicity Hill & Tyson, 2008 (African American vs. European American); Murdock, 2013 (white vs. non‐white); Henney, 2016 (black vs. non‐black) 1/3 0
Parents' Personality/Psychological factors
Anxiety Jover et al., 2014 Ogel‐Balaban & Altan, 2020 1/2 ?
Depression Teti & Gelfand, 1991; Cutrona & Troutman, 1986; Jover et al., 2014; Gordo et al., 2018 Hill & Tyson, 2008; Baker et al., 2013; Hurwich‐Reiss & Watamura, 2019 4/7 ‐‐
Fatigue Studts et al., 2019 Dunning & Giallo, 2012 1/2 ?
Depressed mood Cutrona & Troutman, 1986 0/1 0
Parenting stress(higher) Dunning and Giallo, 2012; Gordo et al., 2018; Mazur, 2006 Baker et al., 2013 3/4 ‐‐
Parenting rewards Gordo et al., 2018; 1/1
Parenting stressors Gordo et al., 2018 1/1
Parenting distress Mazur, 2006 0/1 0
Self‐efficacy (Global level) (higher) d Murdock, 2013 1/1 +
Parenting self‐efficacy (Task‐specific level) (higher) Teti & Gelfand, 1991 1/1 +
Partners' parenting self‐efficacy (higher) Yang et al., 2020 1/1 +
Parental competence (higher) Knauth, 2000; Gordo et al., 2018; 2/2 +
Self‐esteem (higher) Baker et al., 2013 Shrooti et al., 2016 1/2 ?
Parental affect Murdock, 2013 0/1 0
Psychological need satisfaction (relatedness) de Haan et al., 2013 1/1 +
Psychological need satisfaction (autonomy) de Haan et al., 2013 1/1 +
Personality (Dominance) Henney, 2016 1/1 +
Personality (Apprehension) Henney, 2016 1/1
Personality (Rule consciousness) Henney, 2016 0/1 0
Personality (Perfectionism) Henney, 2016 0/1 0
Personality (Emotional stability) Henney, 2016 0/1 0
Personality (Social boldness) Henney, 2016 0/1 0
Personality (anxiety) Henney, 2016 1/1
Personality (self‐control) Henney, 2016 1/1 +
Personality (independence) Henney, 2016 1/1 +
Perceived Importance for family relationship Knauth, 2000; 0/1 0
Parental–child interaction
Parenting quality (Conflict resolution) (higher) Ercegovac et al., 2013 1/1 +
Parenting quality (Sense of acceptance) (higher) Ercegovac et al., 2013 1/1 +
Perception of child's vulnerability Gordo et al., 2018 1/1 +
Parenting behaviour(control) Murdock, 2013; 0/1 0
Parenting behaviour (hostile or coercive) Murdock, 2013 1/1
Parenting behaviour (supportive or engaged); Murdock, 2013 0/1 0
Readiness for pregnancy (ref: unplanned) Shrooti et al., 2016 1/1 +
Parenting satisfaction (higher) Gordo et al., 2018; Mazur, 2006; Yang et al., 2020 3/3 +
Parenting discipline (overreactive) de Haan et al., 2013 1/1
Parenting discipline (warmth) de Haan et al., 2013 1/1 +
Biased appraisals (negative cognitive error) Mazur, 2006 1/1
Biased appraisals (positive illusions) Mazur, 2006 0/1 0
Other parental factors
Childhood memories (positive) Holloway et al., 2005; Suzuki et al., 2009 2/2 +
Physical activity Studts et al., 2019 1/1 +
Parity (non‐primiparous) Cutrona & Troutman, 1986; Suzuki et al., 2009 Troutman et al., 2012; Shrooti et al., 2016 2/4 ??
Socio‐demographic factors
Age Suzuki et al., 2009; Holloway et al., 2005; Murdock, 2013; de Haan et al., 2013; Katkic et al., 2017; Studts et al., 2019 0/6 00
Gender (girls) Holloway et al., 2005; Murdock, 2013; Katkic et al., 2017 de Haan et al., 2013 1/4 00
General Health status (better) Baker et al., 2013 0/1 0
Child developmental difficulty(yes) Baker et al., 2013 1/1 +
Behaviour problems Murdock, 2013; Studts et al., 2019 2/2
Aggression (more) de Haan, 2013 1/1
Temperament (difficult) Teti & Gelfand, 1991; Cutrona & Troutman, 1986; Baker et al., 2013 2/3
Irritable (more) Troutman et al., 2012 0/1 0
Gestational week Baker et al., 2013 1/1 +
Social Support
Perceived level of social support (higher) Baker et al., 2013; Katkic et al., 2017 Cutrona & Troutman, 1986; Shrooti et al., 2016; Teti & Gelfand, 1991 3/5 ++
Number of support persons (more) Shrooti et al., 2016 1/1 +
Source of support Holloway et al., 2005 0/1 0
Spouses' support Holloway et al., 2005; Suzuki et al., 2009 2/2 +
Social support satisfaction(higher) Holloway et al., 2005 0/1 0
Friends support satisfaction (higher) Suzuki et al., 2009 1/1 +
Marital /paternal relationship
Marital quality (higher) Katkic et al., 2017 1/1 +
Age at marriage Shrooti et al., 2016 1/1 +
Number of years married Cutrona & Troutman, 1986 0/1 0
Marital status (single) Dunning & Giallo, 2012; Murdock, 2013 Ercegovac et al., 2013 1/3 00
Partner violence (coercive control) Gou et al., 2019 0/1 0
Occupation Characteristics
Employment (yes) Dunning & Giallo, 2012; Ercegovac et al., 2013; Katkic et al., 2017 Shrooti et al., 2016 1/4 00
Occupational prestige Hill & Tyson, 2008 0/1 0
Family factors
Household income (higher) Murdock, 2013; Teti & Gelfand, 1991; Shrooti et al., 2016 2/3 +
Number of children (more) Baker et al., 2013; Holloway et al., 2005; Katkic et al., 2017 Troutman et al., 2012; Ercegovac et al., 2013 2/5 ??
Spouses' Employment prestige Hill & Tyson, 2008; 0/1 0
Spouses’ educational level (higher) Hill & Tyson, 2008 0/1 0
Economic status (lower) Hurwich‐Reiss & Watamura, 2019 Troutman et al., 2012; Dunning & Giallo, 2012 1/3 0
Family functioning(better) Knauth, 2000 1/1 +
Family size (bigger) Jover et al., 2014; Ercegovac et al., 2013 2/2 +
Family stress (higher) Hill & Tyson, 2008 0/1 0
Satisfaction with life (higher) Baker et al., 2013 0/1 0
Neighbourhood quality(higher) Hill & Tyson, 2008 0/1 0
Neighbourhood safety Hill & Tyson, 2008 0/1 0
Neighbourhood social involvement (higher) Hill & Tyson, 2008 0/1 0
Other socio‐contextual factors
Religion Shrooti et al., 2016 0/1 0
Region Holloway et al., 2005; Shrooti et al., 2016; Ercegovac et al., 2013; Shrooti et al., 2016 0/4 0
Country of birth Suzuki et al., 2009 (Janpan > USA) 1/1
Socio‐demographic factors
Age de Haan et al., 2013 0/1 0
Educational level (higher) McBride, 1989; Kwok & Li, 2015 1/2 ?
Ethnicity Murdock, 2013(white vs. non‐white); 0/1 0
Parents' Personality/Psychological factors
Depression Gordo et al., 2018 1/1
Parenting stress (higher) Gordo et al., 2018; McBride, 1989; Kwok & Li, 2015 2/3
Parenting rewards Gordo et al., 2018 1/1
Parenting stressors Gordo et al., 2018 1/1
Self‐efficacy (Global level) (higher) Murdock, 2013; 1/1 +
Partner's parenting self‐efficacy (higher) Yang et al., 2020 1/1 +
Parental competence (higher) Gordo et al., 2018; Knauth, 2000 2/2 +
Parental affect Murdock, 2013 0/1 0
Psychological need satisfaction (relatedness) de Haan et al., 2013 1/1 +
Psychological need satisfaction (autonomy) de Haan et al., 2013 1/1 +
Perceived Importance for family relationship Knauth, 2000 0/1 0
Parental–child interaction
Beliefs on parental role Kwok & Li, 2015 0/1 0
Involvement Kwok & Li, 2015 0/1 0
Perception of child's vulnerability Gordo et al., 2018 1/1 +
Parenting behaviour(control) Murdock, 2013; 0/1 0
Parenting behaviour (hostile or coercive) Murdock, 2013 0/1
Parenting behaviour (supportive or engaged); Murdock, 2013 1/1 +
Parenting satisfaction (higher) Gordo et al., 2018; Yang et al., 2020 2/2 +
Parenting discipline (overreactive ), de Haan et al., 2013 1/1
Parenting discipline (warmth) de Haan et al., 2013 1/1 +
Age Murdock, 2013; de Haan et al., 2013; McBride, 1989 0/3 0
Gender (girls) Murdock, 2013; McBride, 1989 de Haan et al., 2013 1/3 00
General Health status (better) Salonen 1/1 +
Behaviour problem Murdock, 2013 0/1 0
Aggression (more) de Haan et al., 2013 1/1
Social Support
Financial Support Kwok & Li, 2015 1/1 ‘+
Number of support persons (more) Kwok & Li, 2015 0/1 0
Spouses' support Kwok & Li, 2015 1/1 +
Marital /paternal relationship
Number of years married Kwok & Li, 2015 0/1 0
Marital status (single) Murdock, 2013; Kwok & Li, 2015; 0/2 0
Partner violence (coercive control) Gou et al., 2019 1/1
Parenting alliance Kwok & Li, 2015 1/1 +
Occupation Characteristics
Employment (yes) Kwok & Li, 2015; 0/1 0
Family factors
Household income (higher) Murdock, 2013; McBride, 1989; Kwok & Li, 2015 0/3 0
Number of children (more) McBride, 1989 0/2 0
Spouses' Employment (yes) McBride, 1989 0/1 0
Spouses' income (higher) Kwok & Li, 2015 1/1 0
Family functioning (better) Knauth, 2000 0/1 ?
Family size (bigger) Kwok & Li, 2015; 0/1 0
Socio‐demographic factors
Gender(female) Davidson Arad et al., 2018 de Haan et al., 2009; Cooklin et al., 2012 2/3 ?
Age de Haan et al., 2009; Cooklin et al., 2012 0/2 0
Educational level (higher) de Haan et al., 2009; Cooklin et al., 2012; Davidson Arad et al., 2018 0/3 0
Parents' Personality/Psychological factors
Anxiety Giallo et al., 2013 1/1 +
Depression Giallo et al., 2013 1/1
Fatigue Cooklin et al., 2012 Giallo et al., 2013; Davidson Arad et al., 2018 1/3 0
Parenting stress (higher) Giallo et al., 2013 1/1
Sense of Hope Davidson Arad et al., 2018 1/1 +
Tolerance Davidson Arad et al., 2018 0/1 0
Personality (autonomy) de Haan et al., 2009 1/1 +
Personality (agreeableness) de Haan et al., 2009 1/1 +
Personality (conscientiousness) de Haan et al., 2009 0/1 0
Personality (extraversion) de Haan et al., 2009 1/1 +
Personality (emotional stability) de Haan et al., 2009 1/1 +
Coping strategy (active coping) Cooklin et al., 2012 1/1 +
Coping strategy (using emotional support) Cooklin et al., 2012 0/1 0
Coping strategy (using instrument support) Cooklin et al., 2012 0/1 0
Coping strategy (behavioural disengagement) Cooklin et al., 2012 0/1 0
Coping strategy (positive reframing) Cooklin et al., 2012 1/1 +
Coping strategy (planning) Cooklin et al., 2012 1/1 +
Coping strategy (humour) Cooklin et al., 2012 0/1 0
Coping strategy (acceptance) Cooklin et al., 2012 0/1 0
Coping strategy (self‐blame) Cooklin et al., 2012 1/1
Parenting quality (Conflict resolution) de Haan et al., 2009 1/1 +
Involvement (more) Giallo et al., 2013 1/1 +
Perception of child's vulnerability Cooklin et al., 2012 0/1 0
Parenting satisfaction (higher) Davidson Arad et al., 2018 1/1 +
Experience with children Cooklin et al., 2012 1/1
Others parental factors
General Health Status (better) Giallo et al., 2013; Cooklin et al., 2012; Davidson Arad et al., 2018 0/2 0
Behaviour problems Finzi‐Dottan et al., 2011 1/1
Emotional Intelligence (higher) Finzi‐Dottan et al., 2011 1/1 +
Temperament (difficult) Giallo et al., 2013 1/1
Social Support
Perceived support need (higher) Giallo et al., 2013;Cooklin et al., 2012 2/2
Perceived level of social support (higher) s 1/1 +
Marital /paternal relationship
Marital status (single) Cooklin et al., 2012 0/1 0
Marital quality (higher) Giallo et al., 2013 0/1 0
Occupation Characteristics
Employment (yes) Cooklin et al., 2012; Davidson Arad et al., 2018 0/2 0
Family factors
Economic status (lower) Cooklin et al., 2012 Davidson Arad et al., 2018 1/2 ?
Family size (bigger) Davidson Arad et al., 2018 0/1 0
Quality of life (higher) Davidson Arad et al., 2018 1/1 +
Neighbourhood collective efficacy (higher) Davidson Arad et al., 2018 0/1 0
Other socio‐contextual factors
Religion Davidson Arad et al., 2018 0/1 0

Summarized data from all studies included in the review.


n represents the number of studies reporting a significant association, N represents the total number of studies investigating the association.


The association was labelled as ‘0’ (no association), ‘?’ (indeterminate/possible) and ‘+’ or ‘−’(significant positive/negative association) if supported by 0%–33%, 34%–59% and 60%–100% of individual studies, respectively. In addition, double signs (‘00’, ‘??’, ‘++’ and ‘−−’) were used to indicate if the factors were evaluated by 4 or more studies.


Global self‐efficacy refers to a person's beliefs about being capable or confident to complete any given task, and parenting is one of these tasks. narrow‐domain PSE concentrates on parental perceived competence in one parenting domain; task‐specific PSE refers to the confidence a parent has over a set of discrete parenting tasks.